On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 9:51 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

>> when God asks Himself the question "Why have I always existed, why
>> haven't I always not existed?" what answer in his omniscience does He come
>> up with?
> > The neoplatonist conception of God does not allow It to ask such a
> question.

Interesting, so I was mistaken in thinking that God can do anything and in
fact the neoplatonists can order God around; but if God has been instructed
not to worry His little head over such questions then He really doesn't
have much to do. Apparently God (or rather the neoplatonist) have given
control of the Universe over to Physics; and having never had anything to
do I guess God just does what He always does and watches TV and eats potato
chips all day. God is a pretty dull unimportant fellow, I can't understand
why philosophers are so obsessed with such a nonentity.

> Still defending the Christian God, aren't you?

Yes absolutely, I'm defending the four year old kid's concept of Santa
Claus too because I think it might be useful if the words  "God" and "Santa
Claus" mean something, otherwise when I say I don't believe in either it
would not convey any information to anyone about what I believe or don't

  John K Clark

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