On 9/9/2012 6:20 AM, Roger Clough wrote:
Hi Jason Resch
Where do the choices come from ?
Seemingly from each individual monad.
But these choices, at least in Leibniz's universe,
have already been decided in the pre-established harmony.

Dear Roger,

Could you explain to us in detail how there is a state of affairs that has "already been decided in the pre-established harmony" How can something be decided if that the action required to make the decision cannot occur? As I have posted previously, the concept of a PEH requires the equivalent to computing a solution to an NP-hard problem <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NP-hard> in order to be said to be available for such things as what we see in your statement here. One cannot "have a solution" to a problem before one actually finds it.

Since these choices have to be harmonious with the rest of
the universe,  in some sense they would be of limited freedom
overall, although more than one solution might be possible
to maintain harmony.

Yes, there are infinitely many possible solutions. To discover which is "the best" we must compare them all to each other with one single standard of measure.

Perhaps one solution would be optimal,
i don't know. The choice would at the same time appear
to be entirely free to the individual.

Choice exists simply because there is no a priori measurement of the objects that the individual is considering. Objects are not fixed and determined ab initio <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ab_initio>, they cannot be!

Probability theory might have a better answer than I have
provided. This suggest that perhaps QM could answer the question
Another solution might simply be the greatest
good for the greatest number.

I agree, but only one quality or quantity can be greatest in that condition. There cannot be multiple "greatest goods" for many. Consider the distribution of 1 pound of bread to 100 people. To be fair, each will only get 1/100 of a pound. This entire discussion is laboring under an error; the error of thinking that resources are fixed from the beginning. It is a naive view of the world that assume that the world is made up of fixed quantities of substances that can be distributed equally to all. The world does not work that way. Resources are products that result from processes, they are not fixes substances. If we need more of a product, we must increase the processes that generate them. It we need less of something, decrease the production. We cannot think in terms of static models to understand this and failure to use dynamic modeling is the most common sourse of problems in our world.

Roger Clough, rclo...@verizon.net <mailto:rclo...@verizon.net>
Leibniz would say, "If there's no God, we'd have to invent him
so that everything could function."




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