On 10 Sep 2012, at 19:22, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 10:01 PM, Roger Clough <rclo...@verizon.net> wrote:
Hi Stathis Papaioannou

I believe that the real reason that atheists attack religion is
that they fear its possible political power to condemn you and order your
obedience. I think they have a somewhat reasonable case,
so I advocate legal separation of church and state, although
I don't personally see any harm in thanking God for anything
or putting up a christmas display. My church is totally opposed
to such strict separation, so we agree.

A more dangerous case that I would support the athests
in is against Sharia Law.  Of course most muslims are
not militants or terrorists, but those that are are
dangerous and violent enemies of freeedom and democracy.
Why ? I heard one fundamentalist muslim terrorist in
interview say that Islam cannot survive without
state support.  So I welcome all atheist opoosition
at least to Sharia.

Smoking causes cancer.

Smoking tobacco. Yes. Evidences are strong.

Smokers may not like this, but it doesn't mean
it's not true.
God wants you to fly planes into building in his name. You may not
like this, but it doesn't mean it's not true.

My primary problem with religion is that it is not true. Whether a
matter of fact is true or not is independent of whether I like it.

My primary problem with religion is the poverty or non validity of argument, notably based on text or per authority, instead of personal inquiry.

But this concerns only the naive fairy tales approaches.
Like saying that Jesus is the literal son of God because I know a man who knows a man who knows a man ... a man who said that he saw him walking on water. Given the many evidences that humans can be deluded, or can misunderstand other humans, sticking on such argument, is bad for the teaching of being skeptical and rational, and if someone can really be convinced by such arguments, he can also be convinced on any inconsistencies, and this can lead to shoa, rwanda and prohibition, that is a lot of unnecessary suffering.

We cannot know the truth, at least in any public way, but we can judge the argument. In the human science, I think rigor is a moral duty, but today no one want to hear that, as it makes the manipulations and the selling of crap more difficult.


Stathis Papaioannou

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