On 9/29/2012 5:43 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:
I have understood Brent in such a way that when engineers develop
a robot they must just care about functionality to achieve and
they can ignore consciousness at all. Whether it appears in the
robot or not, it is not a business of engineers. Do you agree
with such a statement or not?

In my defense, I only said that the engineers could develop
artificial intelligences without considering consciousnees.  I didn't
say they *must* do so, and in fact I think they are ethically bound
to consider it.  John McCarthy has already written on this years ago.
And it has nothing to do with whether supervenience or comp is true.
In either case an intelligent robot is likely to be a conscious being
and ethical considerations arise.

Dear Bruno and Brent,

Frankly speaking I do not quite understand you answers. When I try to convert your thoughts to some guidelines for engineers developing robots, I get only something like as follows.

1) When you make your design, do not care about consciousness, just implement functions required.

Where did I say that.  Don't paraphrase, quote.


2) When a robot is ready, it may have consciousness. We have not a clue how to check if it has it but you must consider ethical implications (say shutting a robot down may be equivalent to a murder).


P.S. In my view 1) and 2) implies epiphenomenolism for consciousness.

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