On 11/4/2012 8:10 AM, Roger Clough wrote:
Hi Stephen P. King

Necessary truths can't be contingent, because contingent
truths by definition are contingent on circumstances
and so may not always be true. Scientific truth, or
any truth of this world, is such.

Dear Roger,

By contingent I mean dependent on the co-existence of others. Existence cannot be dependent on anything at all, thus is must be taken in our explanations to be ontologically fundamental.

Pierce taught that consensus or pragmatic truth is
supreme. What people believe in their hearts,
what they believe subjectively. What they experience now.

    I love Peirce's cryptic sense of irony. ;--)

Why is pragmatic truth supreme ? Even higher than
a necessary truth? 1 + 1 = 2, a statement,
is a necessary truith, but the higher truth is to
know that 1 +1 =2, to personally accept and believe that.
If many agree, that is even better.

Can we reason outside of our explanations? Can we discuss the content of our discussions? Can we escape from the implications of regress?

If many, such as the Christian church, accept
a truth such as "God created the world", you
might want to consider it. But it is only true
if you pragmatically accept it as true. Lutherans
call that acceptance "faith".

So what about what the Hyperboreans call that acceptance? And what of the Ponies or the Mormons or the Blue People? Does it matter who it is?

There are many forms of truth-- necessary and contingent
truths, subjective and objective truths, truths by
correspondence, or through coherency, pragmatic
truth, eye witness truth, and so forth. In the end, one accepts
the truth he has the most faith in. So faith
again rules.

    Of course, because what is faith but the expectation of a future truth?

Roger Clough, rclo...@verizon.net <mailto:%20rclo...@verizon.net>
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

----- Receiving the following content -----
From: Stephen P. King
Receiver: everything-list
Time: 2012-11-03, 13:31:14
Subject: Re: Emergence of Properties

On 11/3/2012 8:57 AM, Roger Clough wrote:

The properties of spacetime things are what can be measured (ie facts).
The properties of beyond spacetime things are propositions that can't be contradicted (necessary truths).

Hi Roger,

I do not assume that the "can't be contradicted" is an a priori fixed apartheid on truths. I define necessary truths to be contingent on many minds in agreement.



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