On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 2:05 AM, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Physics is at the bottom of all non-mathematical things that have an
>> explanation, but we now know that some things have no explanation. We now
>> know that some things are random.
> Here you accept there is inherent randomness.


> Where do you think this randomness comes from?

So you're asking me what causes events that have no cause, and I think the
answer to that question is rather obvious.

>  John Clark correctly predicted that the Moscow man would see Moscow and
>> the Washington man would see Moscow. John Clark doesn't understand what
>> more should be expected of a prediction;
> > If you have ever played a game like poker, you would see predictions all
> the time

I don't play poker but I am not unfamiliar with the word "prediction".

> You won't play the game very well if you operate under the theory that
> there is a 100% chance that you will experience winning, losing, and
> sharing the pot

Nevertheless if Many Worlds is correct (and I don't know that it is) then
there are a infinite (or perhaps only a astronomical) number of John
Clark's that do operate under that theory, and as a result in many of those
worlds John Clark is a very poor poker player. But in some worlds (perhaps
a infinite number of them) John Clark is a professional poker player and
because of that theory has never lost a single game in his entire life.

  John K Clark

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