Roger.  How can L's monads be blind if they all have perception as
clearly expressed in L's Monadology?

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Roger Clough <> wrote:
> My "equivalence" or "as if" princple accepting materialism/atheism
> is wrong for the following reason.
> The Supreme monad (God) is absolutely needed, because
> without a supreme monad,  the monads are blind and don't work
> properly.  The Supreme Monad has a necessary, irreplaceable function,
> that of reflecting the perceptions of all of the other monads in
> the universe back to a given monad that guides his changes.
> So I have to take back my acceptance of materialism/atheism.
> [Roger Clough], []
> 12/6/2012
> "Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen
> ----- Receiving the following content -----
> From: Roger Clough
> Receiver: Roger Clough
> Time: 2012-12-06, 09:12:38
> Subject: Puppets and strings
> Perhaps a simple analogy might make my thinking plainer.
> L sees the world and its beings as acting like puppets with strings.
> Atheism/materialism sees the world "as if" there are no strings.
> A similar analogy applies to religion. It all depends on how
> you look at the world.
> [Roger Clough], []
> 12/6/2012
> "Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen
> ----- Receiving the following content -----
> From: Roger Clough
> Receiver: everything-list
> Time: 2012-12-06, 09:00:01
> Subject: A truce: if atheism/materialism is an "as if" universe
> Hi Stephen P. King
> OK, after thinking it over, it seems there's two ways of thinking
> about L's metaphysics.
> 1) (My way) The Idealist way, that being L's metaphysics as is.
> 2) (Your way) The atheist/materialist way, that being the usual
> atheist/materialistc view of the universe --- as long as you
> realize that strictly speaking this is not correct, but the universe
> acts "as if" there's no God. I have trouble with this view
> in speaking of "mental space", but I suppose you can
> consider mental states to exist "as if" they are real.
> L's metaphysics has no conflicts with the phenomenol
> world (the physical world you see and that of science),
> but L would say that strictly speaking, the phenomenol world is
> not real, only its monadic representation is real.
> I have not yet worked Bruno's view into this scheme, but
> a first guess is that Bruno's world is 2).
> [Roger Clough], []
> 12/6/2012
> "Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen
> ----- Receiving the following content -----
> From: Stephen P. King
> Receiver: everything-list
> Time: 2012-12-05, 19:51:28
> Subject: Re: a paper on Leibnizian mathematical ideas
> On 12/5/2012 1:01 PM, Richard Ruquist wrote:
> L's monads have perception.
> They sense the entire universe.
> On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Roger Clough  wrote:
>> Hi Stephen P. King
>> God isn't artificially inserted into L's metaphysics,
>> it's a necessary part, because everything else (the monads)
>> afre blind and passive. Just as necessary as the One is to Plato's
>> metaphysics.
> Hi Richard,
>     Yes, the monads have an entire universe as its perception. What 
> distinguishes monads from each other is their 'point of view' of a universe. 
> One has to consider the idea of closure for a monad, my conjecture is that 
> the content of perception of a monad must be representable as an complete 
> atomic Boolean algebra.
> --
> Onward!
> Stephen
> --
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