On Tuesday, March 5, 2013 2:06:20 AM UTC-5, William R. Buckley wrote:
> There is information (I take information to be a 
> manifestation of entropy) and it is always represented 
> in the form of a pattern (a distribution) of the units 
> of mass/energy of which the Universe is composed.  

I can agree that information could be considered a manifestation of 
entropy, to the extent that entropy is necessary to provide a contrast 
space for a distribution. To string an ellipses together, you need one dot, 
repetition, space, and a quality of measurement which yokes together the 
three dots aesthetically. Beyond that, you also need human observer with 
human visual sense to turn the distribution into a 'pattern'. Without that, 
of course, even distribution cannot cohere into "a" distribution, as there 
is no scale, range, quality, etc to anchor the expectation. If we are a 
microbe, we may not ever find our way from one dot to the next.

> think that semiotic signs are simply specific bits 
> of information; I will use the terms synonymously. 
> Information has meaning only within context.  For many 
> people, context is taken to mean one piece of information 
> as compared to another piece of information.  I do not 
> take this meaning of context when I discuss semiotics. 
> Instead, I take semiotic context to be the acceptor of 
> the information.  Hence, all meaning resides a priori 
> within information acceptors. 

Agree. Well, transmitters form the signs from their own sense of meaning as 
well. That's how we are having this discussion.

> What you know you have always known; the sign merely 
> serves to bring that knowledge to your conscious mind. 

Right. I mean it might be a bit more complicated as far as novelty goes. I 
don't know if the state of unconscious information is really what I "have 
always known" but that this particular constellation of meanings reflects 
the Totality in a way that it is only trivially novel. Like if you hit a 
jackpot on a slot machine - that may not have happened before, but the slot 
machine is designed to payout whenever it does. The jackpot already exists 
as a potential and sooner or later it will be realized.

> That you may have intention and so comport your delivery 
> of information to another acceptor has not bearing upon 
> the subsequent acceptance or rejection of that information 
> by the target acceptor.  Acceptance or rejection of 
> information is determined solely by the accepting or 
> rejecting context (acceptor). 

Agree. But the converse - the acceptor can only accept information which 
has been included for delivery by intention (or accidentally I suppose).

> Your mere presence sends information regardless of some 
> conscious intent.  Indeed, your absence does equally 
> deliver information, for the target acceptor will see 
> a definite difference in available information sources 
> whether you are present or not. 
> Consider a line worker in a bean processing plant where 
> the task is to cull *bad* dried beans from *good* dried 
> beans as they go by on a conveyor belt; the *bad* beans 
> are removed by hand, so the line worker is constantly 
> looking for *bad* beans while constantly being aware 
> of the fact that not many of the beans are *bad*.  The 
> consciousness is aware of both that which is present 
> and that which is not present. 

Yes, the expectation is key. I call that the perceptual inertial frame. 
There is an accumulated inertia of expectations which filters, amplifies, 
distorts, etc.

> Further, what any information that you emit means to 
> you is irrelevant to the meaning that another may take 
> for that information. 

Then how does art work? Music? Certainly it is pretty clear that what 
emitting Iron Man meant to Black Sabbath is different from what emitting 
the Four Seasons meant to Vivaldi. I agree that the receiver bears the 
brunt of the decoding, but why deny that the broadcaster can do intentional 
encoding, when they know the audience?

>  Indeed, it is via reliance upon 
> -Cultural Norms- that your point regarding Morse Code 
> becomes relevant.  It is perfectly reasonable for an 
> ornery person to simply reject such norms and act 
> otherwise; your expectation originates in you, not 
> the targets of information you broadcast. 
> >>The truth of your statement is no reply to my claim, 
> >>that how another receiver of signs responds is 
> >>irrelevant to your knowledge, save the one case of 
> >>conveyance of knowledge between semiotic units; 
> >>where you intend for knowledge to be conveyed.  In 
> >>that case, it is behooving of the sender to ensure 
> >>that the receiver can receive and understand the 
> >>message.  
> > 
> >I'm not sure what you are bringing up here, but I 
> >would say that my point is that all messages have 
> >multiple levels of reception, perhaps as many levels 
> >as their are receivers in the universe. At the same 
> >time, if we are assuming human senders and receivers 
> >and a content range which is highly normative and 
> >practical (i.e. Morse code alphabet rather than 
> >emoticons, inside jokes, etc), then the information 
> >entropy is reduced dramatically. 
> > 
> >Maybe you can give me an example of that you mean 
> >by the irrelevance of the receiver's knowledge. Does 
> >that include the expectation of the possibility of 
> >there being a receiver? 
> >  
> >>In all other cases, the recipient response is 
> >>irrelevant; all values and measures originate in 
> >>the sender of the message. 
> > 
> >I would tend to agree with that, although the 
> >expectation of the recipient response informs the 
> >motives, values, and measures of the sender - 
> >otherwise there would be no message being sent. 
> > 
> >  
> >>The receiver of transmitted information is 
> >>irrelevant to the mechanics of that transmission. 
> > 
> >I'm not sure what you mean. Again, maybe an example 
> >would help. We expect that human audiences can see, 
> >so we have TV screens to provide optical stimulation. 
> >If we didn't have eyes, there would be no mechanism 
> >of TV. 
> > 
> The word should have been *reception* - receipt of 
> information (acceptance of a sign) is a function of 
> the value that the acceptor puts on that sign.  That 
> value is most certainly not tied to the delivery 
> mechanism, even if some delivery mechanisms are 
> preferred over others. 

Ah, so the medium is not the message? It's not so clear. If the delivery 
mechanism is preferred, why doesn't that affect the value. In college I had 
been using an old printer with a poor quality print head (was like a 
spinning rubber stamp of type letters at that time) that was badly degraded 
but still legible. When I got a new computer and printer, right away my 
grades went up across the board. The nice new presentation looked clearer 
qualitatively, making it easier to read, but no more possible to read.

> What matters to information acceptance is disposition 
> of the acceptor to that acceptance.  If the acceptor 
> does not *like* the sign, it will reject the sign; of 
> course, this means that all signs are accepted just 
> long enough to decide if they are sufficiently meaningful 
> or not; if so, they are accepted else they are rejected. 

Agree, but why doesn't the formatting (as above) influence how much the 
acceptor might like the sign, and do so in a way which can be anticipated 
and optimized? For example, it seems to me like a good idea to me to have 
the car washed before you take it in to be repaired, or to be well dressed 
when you go to the doctor. Appearances can be manipulated to a desired 
effect. Even if you can't always be right about how it will be received, 
it's not impossible to stack the deck in your favor.


> > 
> >>wrb 
> > 

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