You merely stated what you see as the facts is true; I am sure you do see them 
as the facts and herein lies the problem. You have not looked very hard at 
history and the evolution of societies and cultures according to the pressures 
that force them to develop in this way or that.
Who is guilty of the selective reading of history -- the one who states that 
people in 3rd world countries somehow  love to live under despotism; or the 
person who calls that peculiar view into question?
And betraying your true beliefs you go on to say that those who do not 
subscribe to your twisted view of history are "progressive propagandists" 
diligently working to bring about the demise of the US"? -- The implication 
being that they therefore could and perhaps should be considered enemies of 
"freedom" -- and all those other self righteous and empty words -- and more to 
the point that these hated progressives are enemies of the state. How neat; 
dare to disagree with your particular ideologically motivated frame of 
reference and you risk becoming branded as an enemy... nice work there... what 
a goose stepping thing to utter.
Totalitarian minded people everywhere applaud your way of non-thinking.


 From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: The Nazi History of the Muslim Brotherhood

Rather than speak economic history, which is an interesting topic, I merely 
stated what I see the facts to be. More clearly, that when Adolf ran out of 
Roma, Jews, and the "mentally weak", to gas, and Poles and Great Russians to 
shoot, his camps would 've discovered other Untermenschen to slaughter, if only 
for bureaucratic reasons-to justify the process of racial hygiene, as it was 
termed. Adios, Arabs, Africans, South Asians and eventually, East Asians too. 
Both Adolf and Stalins murdering was like a heavy addiction, couldn't stop and 
wouldn't dream of it. 

As for seeking justification for the killing of Americans, I do take issue with 
this, and am likely immovable on this segment. The history of the people's of 
the world, before, the advent of the European imperialists, was no shinning 
glory of freedome and peace. This is usually the selective readings by 
Progressive progagandists seekinng the demise of the US and a few other 
nations. Which is really the whole point.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris de Morsella <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 21, 2013 12:52 pm
Subject: RE: The Nazi History of the Muslim Brotherhood

Mercantilist plantation systems, economic hegemony of the developed center and 
neo-colonialism have absolutely nothing to do with it right? Spud your world 
view is limited by the narrow slits you view it through. 
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: The Nazi History of the Muslim Brotherhood 

Nazism would have gobbled down so many races and ethnic group that eventually 
it would have gone after yours? It's the love of tyrants that condemns the 
Third world to perpetual war and genocide. 

-----Original Message-----
From: smitra <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 20, 2013 6:57 pm
Subject: Re: The Nazi History of the Muslim Brotherhood 
Roger may start a discussion on politics and presents some very narrow 
minded views, but I can present a different view that may be totally 
politically incorect but is i.m.o. the right view.
Not only is the 3rd World better off with WWII having happened, the 
Western World is also better off. Without WWII, Nazism would not have 
been debunked and we would gradually have evolved to become less free 
societies. Ideas that are totally politically incorrect like 
euthanizing old and handicap people to save health care costs would 
have been business as usual.
The fundamental mistake Roger makes is to think that the core moral 
values we have today are universal and that you can look back many 
decades and then condemn e.g. the Muslim Brotherhood for having 
supported the Nazis back then.
In the end, Roger's brain is just executing a prgram, whatever is 
against his moral values is encoded in his brain and that information 
did not come out of thin air. Had history run a different course (and 
history has run a different course in different sectors of the 
multiverse), Roger would have supported Nazi policies himself. In fact 
we can be sure that such a Nazi version of Roger exsts in the 
multiverse, because all possible programs exists.
> I do not see why Roger, needs, politics in this forum, but, so be it. 
> Smitra expresses a view that decides the US, has to be ruined for the 
> evil it has conspired against the wonderful, and innocent, people's 
> of the 3rd world. I am guessing that when the ISI strikes India, 
> using enhanced fission devices, he will be content that they detonate 
> it only on legitimate military targets? Enjoy.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: smitra <>
> To: everything-list <>
> Sent: Tue, Aug 20, 2013 8:13 am
> Subject: Re: The Nazi History of the Muslim Brotherhood
> Also I believe that 9/11 was a good thing, albeit it would have been
> etter if Bin Laden had focusses only on legitimate military targets
> ike the White House, the US Congress, the Senate and the Pentagon.
> iteren Roger Clough <>:
> The Nazi history of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood
> Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (ret.) [1/1/2000]
> See my Leibniz site at
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