Nazism took it somewhere much darker, but Fascism already was exulting the
fever pitch of ethno-nationalism. 

Fascism may have become a generic word we use now a days for that kind of
totalitarianism, but in its time and in history, time after time, fascist
regimes and parties have always exulted in ethno-fetishism and have promoted
an us versus them Manichean world view. 

In each country where Fascism has arisen it has been characterized by
pronounced nationalism most often framed and presented in ethnic terms.
Nazism clearly took this notion and ran with Aryan Supremacism, but all the
other Fascists then: Mussolini, Franco, and yes Jabotinsky as well (because
he was a Fascist) they all saw themselves as leaders of ethnically rooted
nationalist movements. In fact show me a famous fascist who was not also a
virulent ethno-nationalist.

Fascism unlike Communism (at the level of lip service at least) never
preached a Universal Fascist state – an 1000 year Reich of one tribe over
other inferior races maybe, but that idea lacks universal appeal. 

Communists sang Internationale  as expressed in a line from the lyrics in
English: “There simply IS a ruling class, and there is a working class. One
day the majority must triumph over the oppression and terror of the
minority.” They clearly framed their struggle as an international class
struggle. Their slogan was workers unite… or as expressed in the Chilean
protest song against Allende “El pueblo unido jamás será vencido”

Fascism instead has always been nationalist (as opposed to internationalist)
and framed in terms of ethnic and cultural chauvinism… so if there is a
difference between Hitler and Nazism and the other fascist Parties and
personalities it is a matter of degree and not of substance. 




[] On Behalf Of meekerdb
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: The Nazi History of the Muslim Brotherhood


There's a lot of difference between admiring Fascism and admiring Nazism.
Fascism was the idea that a nation was a kind of super-organism consisting
of people in different stations of life working together to achieve
collective goals.  It's not a philosophy of government I like, but it's not
crazy either.  It's roughly the way army's work.  Nazism added superstitious
beliefs in "blut und volk" and a virulent hatred of Jews and Roma as
responsible for degeneration of a mythical Aryan culture.  It adopted
genocide as the policy for solving "the Jewish question."


On 8/22/2013 9:36 AM, Chris de Morsella wrote:

Jabotinsky, who is one of the most important historical figures of the
development of Zionism in Israel was a great and open admirer of Mussolini
and of the fascist ideology. Fascism – during that period of history was
seen as a futurist/modern ideology and was admired by many including many
Americans of the time. 

Does this mean Zionism and all modern Zionists love fascism – a fair number
of them seem to Lieberman for example – but I hope you see how it is not
fair to use Jabotinski’s great admiration for fascism and for Mussolini to
characterize modern Zionism. His affinity for fascism certainly probably
influenced his development of the Iron Wall ideology of Zionism (read about
it) so it has certainly shown up, especially amongst his ideological heirs
in the Likud Party, but one cannot therefore characterize all Israeli’s and
even more all Jews as being therefore suspect of being fascists. That kind
of idiocy would be shot down straight away; why is the same kind of false
parallelism not shot down when the subject comes around to Muslims? Why the
double standard?

Hope this illustration helps you understand how problematic it is to put,
the peculiar affinities (for our way of looking at things) of historical
figures into a modern context and use their ancient statements and beliefs
to characterize whatever the movement or ideology, they had a part in
founding, has evolved over the course of history since their times.



[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 5:49 AM
Subject: Re: The Nazi History of the Muslim Brotherhood


The Al Bana brothers who essentially started up the MB, as opposed to
similar movements, like Abu Salafia. They started the MB formally in 1928,
and liked Mussolini's fascists (everybody did back then!) and followed
forward in their love of Adolf when he achieved state power. Alberto is
correct about the Baathists in Syria and Iraq, and many Muslim writers
compare (favorably) Mein Kampf (struggle) with the commands to perform Jihad
(struggle) against the Qfar (infidels). These writers and jurists see it as
the same, sad to say. Christopher Hitchens (the atheist) and his friends got
in a fight with members of the Syrian Nazi Party (part of Assad's
coalition), and now Dawkins is actually comparing the Jihadist actions to
the Reich (bully for Dawkins waking up). Cheers for Alberto's post as well.



-----Original Message-----
From: Alberto G. Corona <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 21, 2013 7:02 pm
Subject: Re: The Nazi History of the Muslim Brotherhood

Just follow the tv of muslim countries, and specially, the political


Google: hitler arab countries television


 It can not be otherwhise since te nazis and the muslims share the same main
goal. you know. 


Abu Mazen, the leader of the PLO after Yasif Arafat wrote its doctoral
thesis at the university about denial of the Holocaust. 


The Baaz party that ruled Iraq and Siria are inspired directly by the Nazi


There are hundred of examples of continuous praise of hitler or
hitler-inspired ideas in the musling world.


If you search,  you can find a lot of nazi flags waved by muslim
fundamentalists. even on the top of mesquites



2013/8/21 meekerdb <>

On 8/21/2013 11:48 AM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

That Hitler is the most respected western figure in the muslim word is a


What is the evidence for this?  Are there polls?




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