Chris and Smitra are performing a collective filtering of history, in which 
barbarism is merely a feature of "capitalism" while jolly, socialists, are 
completely ignored because, if a socialist tortures, or slaugters the innocent, 
that's different. Because they are ultimately,, 'helping mankind.' Stalin and 
Pol Pot, and the Kim dynasty of North Korea, and Mao's Great Leap Forward, were 
all 'undertandable excesses in desparate times' and so forth and so on. This is 
the kind of thinking that most Leftists capitulated with, when Stalin achieved 
his Pact of Steel with Herr Hitler from 1939-41. Nobody has a higher body-count 
of the massacred, then the Left and this is coming from someone who's blood 
relatives were slain by dear Adolf. In fact, I am betting had not the Furher 
decided to turn against his chum, Stalin (Dzugadashvilli) the socialists and 
the national socialists would be fine friends. I would reccomend The 
Bloodlands,  as a history book  of both Josep and Adolf, but there'd be no 
readers here. Ideology rules all I suppose? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris de Morsella <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Sun, Aug 25, 2013 2:37 pm
Subject: RE: The Nazi History of the Muslim Brotherhood

>> And yes half a century ago the CIA over through some 2 bit leaders in Chile 
>> and Iran, big deal.
John you are either grossly ignorant of history, or squeeze it like toothpaste 
through the aperture of your ideological point of view. The actual historical 
facts are that both Chilean president Salvador Allende and Iranian president 
Mohammad Mossadegh were democratically elected and popular leaders of their 
respective nations.
Your choice of words “2 bit leaders” actually says a lot about the kind of 
person you are… a person who is cavalier with the facts and who is prone to 
distort events to fit the ideological prism you inhabit. I suppose the many 
thousands of people who were tortured to death and dumped into the Pacific 
Ocean by Pinochets death squads were just two bit people as well in your 
esteemed opinion.
Does your clearly self-evident and shockingly casual disregard for the truth – 
when it comes to politics -- extend to everything you do and say or is your 
willingness to lie and grotesquely mischaracterize history, limited to the 
political and religious spheres of existence and by some strange mechanism you 
are able to see things with a clear and open mind in areas of discussion that 
do not involve your own peculiar political beliefs?
[] On Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2013 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: The Nazi History of the Muslim Brotherhood



On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 9:39 PM, Chris de Morsella <> 

Fascism unlike Communism (at the level of lip service at least) never preached 
a Universal Fascist state – an 1000 year Reich of one tribe over other inferior 
races maybe, but that idea lacks universal appeal. 


And lip service (who wouldn't want a workers paradise?) is the only reason that 
today people would have far more sympathy for Senator McCarthy if he'd gone 
after Neo-Nazis instead of Communists, and in general lip service is the one 
and only reason Communism has always seemed more respectable than Nazism even 
though it has caused at least as much misery in the world. In the 30's Stalin 
murdered millions of his own people and in the 20's Lenin forced people to 
abandon their private farms and go to huge corrupt monumentally inefficient 
collective farms with the result that millions died of starvation;  In the 50's 
Mao did the exact same stupid thing in China in the name of communism and at 
least 30 million starved to death. In the 70's in Cambodia the communists 
murdered a greater percentage of their population than any regime in the 
history of the world. In the 90's in North Korea, a nightmare country as bad as 
anything George Orwell could dream up, communism caused two million to starve 
to death while South Korea, a country with the same culture and language but 
without communism became a world economic powerhouse. 

And yes half a century ago the CIA over through some 2 bit leaders in Chile and 
Iran, big deal.

  John K Clark






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