Thanks Craig, you've articulated quite well a number of difficulties in 
approaching the hard problem, IMHO. I was reading this article in the SEP 
and thought of your approach:

Look especially under his glossing of the idea of 'pure experience.' It 
reminds me of your MR/PIP and seems quite congenial to it. 

Whaddaya think? 

On Monday, September 16, 2013 1:35:27 PM UTC-4, Craig Weinberg wrote:
> The Hard Problem of consciousness asks why there is a gap between our 
> explanation of matter, or biology, or neurology, and our experience in the 
> first place. What is it there which even suggests to us that there should 
> be a gap, and why should there be a such thing as experience to stand apart 
> from the functions of that which we can explain.
> *Materialism only miniaturizes the gap* and relies on a machina ex deus 
> (intentionally reversed deus ex machina) of ‘complexity’ to save the day. 
> An interesting question would be, why does dualism seem to be easier to 
> overlook when we are imagining the body of a neuron, or a collection of 
> molecules? I submit that it is because miniaturization and complexity 
> challenge the limitations of our cognitive ability, we find it easy to 
> conflate that sort of quantitative incomprehensibility with the other 
> incomprehensibility being considered, namely aesthetic* awareness. What 
> consciousness does with phenomena which pertain to a distantly scaled 
> perceptual frame is to under-signify it. It becomes less important, less 
> real, less worthy of attention.
> *Idealism only fictionalizes the gap*. I argue that idealism makes more 
> sense on its face than materialism for addressing the Hard Problem, since 
> material would have no plausible excuse for becoming aware or being 
> entitled to access an unacknowledged a priori possibility of awareness. 
> Idealism however, fails at commanding the respect of a sophisticated 
> perspective since it relies on naive denial of objectivity. Why so many 
> molecules? Why so many terrible and tragic experiences? Why so much 
> enduring of suffering and injustice? The thought of an afterlife is too 
> seductive of a way to wish this all away. The concept of maya, that the 
> world is a veil of illusion is too facile to satisfy our scientific 
> curiosity.
> *Dualism multiplies the gap*. Acknowledging the gap is a good first step, 
> but without a bridge, the gap is diagonalized and stuck in infinite 
> regress. In order for experience to connect in some way with physics, some 
> kind of homunculus is invoked, some third force or function interceding on 
> behalf of the two incommensurable substances. The third force requires a 
> fourth and fifth force on either side, and so forth, as in a Zeno paradox. 
> Each homunculus has its own Explanatory Gap.
> *Dual Aspect Monism retreats from the gap*. The concept of material and 
> experience being two aspects of a continuous whole is the best one so far – 
> getting very close. The only problem is that it does not explain what this 
> monism is, or where the aspects come from. It rightfully honors the 
> importance of opposites and duality, but it does not question what they 
> actually are. Laws? Information?
> *Panpsychism toys with the gap*.Depending on what kind of panpsychism is 
> employed, it can miniaturize, multiply, or retreat from the gap. At least 
> it is committing to closing the gap in a way which does not take human 
> exceptionalism for granted, but it still does not attempt to integrate 
> qualia itself with quanta in a detailed way. Tononi’s IIT might be an 
> exception in that it is detailed, but only from the quantitative end. The 
> hard problem, which involves justifying the reason for integrated 
> information being associated with a private ‘experience’ is still only 
> picked at from a distance.
> *Primordial Identity Pansensitivity,* my candidate for nomination, uses a 
> different approach than the above. PIP solves the hard problem by putting 
> the entire universe inside the gap. Consciousness *is* the Explanatory 
> Gap. Naturally, it follows serendipitously that consciousness is also 
> itself *explanatory*. The role of consciousness is to make plain – to 
> bring into aesthetic evidence that which can be made evident. How is that 
> different from what physics does? What does the universe do other than 
> generate aesthetic textures and narrative fragments? It is not awareness 
> which must fit into our physics or our science, our religion or philosophy, 
> it is the totality of eternity which must gain meaning and evidence through 
> sensory presentation.
> *Is awareness ‘aesthetic’? That we call a substance which causes the loss 
> of consciousness a *general anesthetic* might be a serendipitous clue. If 
> so, the term local anesthetic as an agent which deadens sensation is 
> another hint about our intuitive correlation between discrete sensations 
> and overall capacity to be ‘awake’. Between sensations (I would call 
> sub-private) and personal awareness (privacy) would be a spectrum of nested 
> channels of awareness.

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