On 10/8/2013 1:50 PM, LizR wrote:
On 9 October 2013 06:19, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net <mailto:meeke...@verizon.net>> wrote:

    On 10/8/2013 9:05 AM, John Clark wrote:

    On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Quentin Anciaux <allco...@gmail.com
    <mailto:allco...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        > You are spitting non-sense... that's not what is asked. He will do 
        from a 3rd POV.... but each Bruno can only live *ONE* stream of 
        which is *either* M or W, it's not both. So before duplication, the 
        (or measure of you prefer) is 50/50 for the destinations from the POV 
if the
        guy standing in H. *IT'S THE SAME THING IN MWI SETTING AND I DON'T HEAR 
        CRYING NONSENSE ABOUT IT ON EVERY POST*. Be consistant and reject MWI 
as an
        obvious BS crap.

     And You are mixing apples and oranges and bananas:

    *Quantum Mechanics is about finding a probability that works better than 
    guessing in predicting if a event will be seen.

    *Many Worlds is a theory that explains why Quantum Mechanics works as well 
as it
    does that some think (including me) is a little (but only a little) less 
odd than
    competing explanations.

    How do you explain quantum mechanical probabilities in the Many Worlds 

That is the $64000 question! But surely it also equally applies to other interpretations, e.g. Copenhagen has an infinity of values to select from, so how do you get the Born rule there? (for example).

In the CI the Born rule is just a postulate. There are never an infinity of possible observed values because the finite resolution of all instruments. If you can associate probabilities to worlds then you can apply Gleason's theorem to get the Born rule. But it's not clear what constitutes 'a world' apart from the circular requirement that it's something you get a measurement in.

But I'm asking JKC specifically, because I'm curious as to how his explanation of probabilities under MWI is different from Bruno's in his duplication experiment?


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