Thanks for this response. It'll take me a while to digest, but I'll
get back with the inevitable questions :).

On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 08:17:17PM +0200, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 08 Oct 2013, at 11:51, Russell Standish wrote:
> >On Mon, Oct 07, 2013 at 10:20:14AM +0200, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> >>
> >>On 07 Oct 2013, at 07:36, Russell Standish wrote:
> >>
> >>>Unfortunately, the thread about AUDA and its relation to
> >>>pronouncs got
> >>>mixed up with another thread, and thus got delete on my computer.
> >>>
> >>>Picking up from where we left off, I'm still trying to see the
> >>>relationship between Bp, Bp&p, 1-I, 3-I and the plain ordinary I
> >>>pronoun in English.
> >>
> >>As I said, in natural language we usually mix 1-I (Bp) and 3-I
> >>(Bp & p).
> >>The reason is that we think we have only one body, and so, in all
> >>practical situation it does not matter. (That's also why some people
> >>will say I am my body, or I am my brain, like Searles, which used
> >>that against comp, but if that was valid, the math shows that
> >>machines can validly shows that they are not machine, which is
> >>absurd).
> >>
> >>The difference 1-I/3-I is felt sometimes by people looking at a
> >>video of themselves. The objective situation can describe many
> >>people, and you feel bizarre that you are one of them. That video
> >>lacks of course the first person perspective.
> >>
> >>The distinction is brought when we study the mind body problem. You
> >>might red the best text ever on this: the Theaetetus of Plato. But
> >>the indians have written many texts on this, and some are
> >>chef-d'oeuvre (rigorous).
> >>
> >
> >OK, although I don't have time to read those ancient texts, alas :(.
> OK. I can understand.
> The Theaetetus is very short, though.
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>>
> >>>I understand Bp can be read as "I can prove p", and "Bp&p" as
> >>>"I know
> >>>p". But in the case, the difference between Bp and Bp&p is
> >>>entirely in
> >>>the verb, the pronoun "I" stays the same, AFAICT.
> >>
> >>Correct. Only the perspective change. "Bp" is "Toto proves p", said
> >>by Toto.
> >>"Bp & p" is "Toto proves p" and p is true, as said by Toto (or not),
> >>and the math shows that this behaves like a knowledge opertaor (but
> >>not arithmetical predicate).
> >
> >It's the same Toto in both cases... What's the point?
> The difference is crucial. Bp obeys to the logic G, which does not
> define a knower as we don't have Bp -> p.
> At best, it defines a rational believer, or science. Not knowledge.
> But differentiating W from M, is knowledge, even non communicable
> knowledge. You can't explain to another, that you are the one in
> Washington, as for the other, you are also in Moscow. Knowledge
> logic invite us to define the first person by the knower. He is the
> only one who can know that his pain is not fake, for example.
> >
> >>So, the ideally correct machine will
> >>never been able to ascribe a name or a description to it.
> >>Intuitively, for the machine, that "I" is not assertable, and indeed
> >>such opertair refer to something without a name.
> >>
> >
> >What does it mean to assert an "I"?
> I was meaning to assert "I", with the idea that you refer to
> something understandable for another.
> You can assert the 3-I, in this sense, but not the 1-I.
> Now, without duplication, it looks all the time like there is a
> simple link between 3-I, and 1-I, and that is why we confuse them,
> but with the experience of duplication, at some point, the
> distinction is unavoidable, and crucial, and the simple link between
> is broken, forcing the reversal between math and physics (arithmetic
> and physics).
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>>
> >>>Also, switching viewpoints, one could equally say the Bp can be read
> >>>as "he can prove p",
> >>
> >>but the point is that it is asserted by "he", in the language of
> >>"he".
> >>
> >
> >But the statements can also be asserted by some other agent?
> Of course. But in that case it is no more a third person *self*-reference
> (3-I).
> "My hat is green" contains a third person self-reference.
> My wife's hat is green" contains a third person self-reference.
> "The hat of Napoleon is green" does not. Only third person references.
> The logic of provable (third person) self-reference is given by the
> modal logic G (by Gödel, Löb, Solovay).
> The logic of true (third person) self-reference is given by G*.
> It always concerns, in our setting, what an ideally correct machine
> can rationally believe on itself.
> The interesting thing is that G* proves Bp <-> (Bp & p), but G does
> not prove it. It shows that both the rational believer and the
> knower see the same (tiny) part of Arithmetic, yet see it from
> different points of view, and the logic will mathematically differ.
> The logic of B is G, and the logic of Bp & p is S4Grz.
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>>and Bp&p as "he knows p", so the person order of
> >>>the pronoun is also not relevant.
> >>
> >>Yes, you can read that in that way, but you get only the 3-view of
> >>the 1-view.
> >>
> >>Let us define [o]p by Bp & p
> >>
> >>I am just pointing on the difference between B([o]p) and [o]([o]p).
> >>
> >
> >???
> B([o]p) is the statement made by the ideal rationalist believer (B)
> on a first person point of view ([o]). Here [o]p can be seen as an
> abbreviation for Bp & p.
> [o]([o]p is the first person statement ([o]) on a first person point
> of view ([o]).
> Just to illustrate John Clark's probable confusion, roughly
> translated in arithmetical terms, is the confusion of B and [o]. But
> sometimes he showed that he understood it very well, but then he
> shows that he was still confusing, or want to confuse,
> B([o]p) and
>  [o]([o]p.
> It is what I called the 3-view on the 1-views, and the 1-view on the
> 1-view. He looked at the entire duplication like if it was filmed on
> a video, but he forgot, I think, that to survive the duplication, it
> has to have a memory which is only W, or only M.
> He managed well the "out-of-body" experience that you need somehow
> to get a third person view on yourself, but he forgot that to
> survive, you have to come back and reintegrate the body, and that
> can only be in *one* body!
> Note that [o]p can be translated in arithmetic only for precise
> arithmetical statements p. There is no arithmetical predicate
> defining [o] in general, unlike the "B". But this is nice, as it
> makes the S4Grz logic closer to Brouwer and Dogen's theory of
> consciousness. It makes [o] closer to Plotinus "universal soul", and
> it makes it closer to the mystical "inner god". It put light on many
> Indian texts too, like what Ramani Maharshi extracts from the "koan"
> "Who am I?".
> "Who am I" is a good question. It is a gate to quite a deep rabbit
> hole, when asked to any platonist universal machine capable of
> believing in enough induction axioms (the Löbian machines). (a
> machine is "platonist" when she believes in (p v ~p).
> Bruno
> -- 
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Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
University of New South Wales

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