The problem of any system ever devised is that eventually it will become
corrupted - through one path or another corruption will become endemic and
increasingly it will parasitize the system until eventually the empty husk
of the hollowed out society collapses as all the illusions and Ponzi schemes
become marked to market and no one is buying into it any longer.

Systems are human creations and suffer from all the pitfalls and blindness
characteristic of our species. A system organized around a Party or a Church
will end up creating the same social structure of a corrupt class of
successful crime families becoming entrenched at the vertices. 

In Roma there is a saying that translated more or less: "The first
generation are bandits; the second generation are bankers; the third
generation are politicians; and by the fourth generation a Pope." Or the
Anglo saying "Behind every great fortune there is a great crime" 

I think it is important to look at how even a system dedicated to the
principle of wiping out class has invariably spawned various nationalistic
red bourgeoisies (the Radish communists - red on the outside white on the
inside) Look at the princelings in the PRC; or the weird family dynasty in
the PRK. or the Stalinist bourgeoisie of the former USSR. Or conversely how
a system purporting to be based on the teachings of Jesus Christ resulted in
the sordid history of the Papacy.

It does not matter much what the superficial forms of a system are, if the
end outcome is invariably the same - that is the society becomes dominated
by a small entrenched elite that enjoys disproportionate benefits and is
concerned only with its own self-serving interests.




[] On Behalf Of Bruno Marchal
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: Our Demon-Haunted World



On 06 Nov 2013, at 17:25, meekerdb wrote:

On 11/6/2013 12:58 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:


There is nothing wrong being rich, unless the money is stolen money, and
that's the case today.

There's nothing morally wrong with being rich, but it creates an ethical
problem.  Being much wealthier than others bestows a lot of power.  If there
is no effective government (like parts of Somalia) then the rich hire a
personal army to protect their property.  Where there is government, the
police protect their property and the rich attempt to control the government
through propaganda and buying influence.  So long as the rich are not so
rich as to live in a different 'world' than the middle class and they are
relatively diverse this works OK.  But the system seems to be unstable in
that the rich can and do use their wealth and power to get more wealth and
power - and not necessarily productively.  So those who inherit wealth tend
to gain even more wealth.  Society needs to do something to stabilize the
system and prevent the increasing concentration of wealth.


I completely agree. The problem is that with money, you can produce more
money in two ways, honestly or dishonestly. Once a few "fake money" (based
on a lie) appears, it corrupts the whole system, and the society get
pyramidal, with a higher gap between poor and rich, and eventually this
crush down.


We must think about a way to prevent that. Some state can play a role. But
we have to get rid of the bandits first, and there is an easy way: legalize
all drugs. Regulate them, and tax them proportionally by the "real" harm
(that is measured by statistics no more confusing a -> b and b -> a) they


May be that is not enough. Prohibitionists should be judged. We have to get
spiritual or mature enough to understand that.


The state must ensure the fairness of competition among products, their
traceability, the presence of notice with the secondary effects, etc. But
the state has nothing to say about what is good or not for any one. That's
between you and you, with the help of your shaman if you decide so, but it
is your decision, to say "yes" or "no" to this or that shaman.


Stopping prohibition will not solve all problems. But continuing prohibition
aggravates the situation, ... except for the super-riches and the bandits.






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