2013/12/13 Stephen Paul King <stephe...@charter.net>

> Hi Bruno,
>    Why does an entire universe need to be simulated?

It does not... it is an example showing that the substitution level could
be arbitrarily low... anyway as I said some years ago, if the level is that
low, I don't see how computationalism (the idea that consciousness is a
sort of computation) should be still be seen as a possible theory of mind,
I would see that as a refutation (a level that low is equivalent with


> Could not just finite portions of some universe be simulated, that which
> is perceived by the "observers" (however such might be defined). Why does
> it seem that a "god's eye view needs to be simulated? BTW, David Albert's
> argument against the narratability of the universe is a very strong case
> against any concept of a "god's eye view", IMHO.
> On Thursday, December 12, 2013 1:39:33 PM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 12 Dec 2013, at 19:06, meekerdb wrote:
>>  On 12/12/2013 9:21 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> 2) the lower level: the description of the Heisenberg matrix state of the
>> entire (quantum observable) state of the entire local cluster of galaxies,
>> (including dark matter!) and all this at the level of the "right" fields,
>> or at the level of elementary strings and branes, and this with 10^(10^10)
>> decimals. Use the Schroedinger picture if you prefer. No collapse!
>> But in this case the doctor doing the substitution is included in the
>> substitution.  I think this produces a contradiction.
>> That happens all the time with universal machines. They can simulate
>> another machine simulating themselves, and the UD brought this in the
>> picture. With the phi_i and the W_i,  many apparent contradictions are
>> resolved through the fact that we are confronted with non stopping machines.
>> Of course, as I said, it would make the thought experience difficult, for
>> no reason, in the first six steps.
>> In this list, the first presentation of the UD was a presentation in 15
>> steps, where I made explicit the neuro-high level assumption used in "step
>> 1-6" and show explicitly at "step 7" how the UD* (the complete running of
>> the UD) discharge that assumption.
>> The mathematical reason why we escape the contradiction is related to the
>> closure of diagonalization, and to Kleene's second recursion theorem, which
>> allows machine to invoke machines invoking them. It is standard in
>> theoretical computer science.
>> Judson Webb explains well how Gödel's theorem protect Church thesis,
>> which protect mechanism. In fact Gödel's theorem and the whole of G*-G,
>> create the points of view (by the machine distinction between Bp and Bp &
>> p, etc.), and protect the whole machine's theology, by splitting the
>> communicable part from the non communicable one. Mathematical logic
>> distinguish also what is expressible by the machine, and what is not
>> expressible, yet "known" or produces as "true" in many possible ways.
>> The UD even run dreams in dreams in dreams .... in a completely circular
>> way. We cannot impeach it to dig in the absurd, once it is computable. That
>> would be like trying to eliminate the number 13 from the integers.
>> Obviously, if the level is so low you need to simulate the entire
>> universal wave, in practice you will say NO to the doctor, but at step
>> seven, even if the level is that low, the main consequences remain
>> unchanged.
>> Bruno
>> Brent
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