On 29 Dec 2013, at 00:28, Jesse Mazer wrote:

Jason Resch wrote:
"indeed quantum randomness itself may only be a special case of this new type of randomness (discovered by Bruno)."

I don't think Bruno claims to have discovered the notion that there can be first-person randomness even in a universe which is deterministic from a third-person perspective (like a "universe" defined by the universal dovetailer), he just integrates it into the rest of his ideas in a novel way. The first person to discover this idea may be Hugh Everett III, who is quoted in http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/qm-everett/#6 saying of his interpretation of QM that "the formal theory is objectively continuous and causal, while subjectively discontinuous and probabilistic" (this quote is from 1973, but I suspect one could find quotes from his original 1957 thesis that explicitly or implicitly suggest this idea of subjective randomness despite the determinism of wavefunction evolution governed by the Schroedinger equation).

OK. But Everett did not see that we get this from just self- duplication, and that this entails we have a "many world" interpretation of arithmetic, in which we have to justify the wave and physics. He still has to assume QM to have its sort of subjective probability. The comp FPI is conceptually more general, as it does not assume any physics at all. Everett indeterminacy can be seen as a particular case of FPI, if we assume the wave and if we reify it for consciousness (what UDA) prevents us to do.



On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Dec 28, 2013, at 7:04 AM, "Edgar L. Owen" <edgaro...@att.net> wrote:


Have you gotten to Part III of my book on Reality yet? It explains how all randomness is quantum, and it explains the source of that randomness is the lack of any governing deterministic equations when the mini-spacetimes that emerge from quantum events have be aligned due to linking at common events.

I have not, but my point is there is already a form of randomness we know of that does not need quarum mechanics, indeed quantum randomness itself may only be a special case of this new type of randomness (discovered by Bruno).


Separate spaces are dimensionally independent. When they merge via common dimensional events there can be no deterministic alignment thus randomness arises.....


On Saturday, December 28, 2013 2:08:32 AM UTC-5, Jason wrote:

On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 11:40 PM, Edgar L. Owen <edga...@att.net> wrote: Replying to Liz and Jason in a new topic as they raised the important topic of the source of randomness that deserves a separate topic.

As I explain in my book on Reality, all randomness is quantum. There simply is no true classical level randomness.

Have you gotten to step 3 in the UDA yet? It explains how true randomness can emerge without assuming QM.


There is plenty of non-computability which is often mistaken for randomness but all true randomness at the classical level percolates up from the quantum level.

At the fundamental computational level all computations are exact. However the way space can emerge and be dimensionalized from these computations is random which is the source of all randomness. This quantum level randomness can either be damped out or amplified up to the Classical level depending on the information structures involved.

To use Liz's example of how do computers generate random numbers, they don't in themselves. As Jason points out they draw on sources of (quantum) randomness from the environment, but the code the computer itself uses contains no randomness as the whole point of digital devices is to completely submerge any source of randomness because that would pollute the code and/or data.

Of course eventually everything, including computers, is subject to randomness and fails....


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