On Thursday, January 23, 2014 5:15:58 PM UTC+11, Liz R wrote:
> On 23 January 2014 18:09, meekerdb <meek...@verizon.net <javascript:>>wrote:
>> Yeah, but decoherence just makes things look classical at a 
>> coarse-grained level (when we trace over the environment).  Microscopically 
>> it's spreading the superposition.
>> Yes, I guess that makes sense. All those quantum entities will be fuzzing 
> out, regardless of what we do - so I assume the answer to the original 
> question is that the multiverse differentiates like his "old method" of 
> backing up files - taking complete snapshots of everything - rather than 
> using the "version control system" method of only storing differences? 
I had a long think about this while walking on the beach this morning and I 
still think not, though the picture is more complicated than your spreading 
local changes scenario suggests. If you read the paper I cited above you'll 
see that there is a method to rescue locality, but it comes  at a fairly 
steep price, conceptually. Each particle has to carry "labels" with it, 
essentially a memory of prior interactions, so that it knows what states 
are permitted when it interacts with another system. This sounds about as 
bad as the whole universe duplicating when you consider that its history 
goes right back to the Big Bazoom, as you point out, so effectively it 
carries the weight of the entire world on its tiny subatomic shoulders. 
However there's another way of conceptualizing it I think which rescues the 
parsimony of the source control type system while keeping the interaction 

Essentially yu have to stop thinking of the particle as an isolable entity. 
Its entire history *define* its position, location and properties, and at 
the same time in a sense define the whole universe. This is not quite as 
mystical as it sounds (though it's still pretty mystical!). I'll explain. 
When I make a change in git (my clever source control system), it records 
the delta between the old code and the new - i.e., the changes only. This 
is maximally parsimonious. I can make two branches in my code, say to 
explore some new feature or way of doing things, and both branches link 
back to a common root in the tree of deltas. Now later, because the system 
retains full information about all the changes (interactions), I can merge 
these branches and all changes will be incorporated into the one new 
branch. This is the exact equivalent of MWI universes re-merging. 

But let's say I made a change to the *same line* in both code branches. 
Then I can't merge automatically any more because there's a conflict. I 
have to choose which version of the line I want. This is the equivalent of 
decoherence. Now the point here is that if I was someone who wanted to 
study a node in isolation, I'd see some information, but only a very small 
amount. The rest of the information is kept in the previous node that it 
links back to, and the node it links back to, and the one before, and so 
on. The node makes no sense in isolation and seems not to contain enough 
information to reconstruct a coherent code base (universe), but it does in 
the context of the whole tree. The information about what changed where is 
kept at the point of interaction, not needing to be copied forward.  The 
system can always know when to decohere in order to maintain internal 

Whaddya reckon? To me it makes an elegant sense, though I have no idea of 
its testable. I suspect not, but it seems a lot cleaner than the "entire 
backup" idea, OR the idea of a particle that carries its autobiography 
under its arm.

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