On Wed, Feb 05, 2014 at 02:54:10PM -0800, Edgar L. Owen wrote:
> Russell,
> No, it's exactly the same, not the opposite. You are misinterpreting it and 
> reading it wrongly. I see your error now, though as stated I agree it could 
> be misread.
> "one and only one point in clock time" does not mean over the whole world 
> line the clock time is the same. It means that for every point on the world 
> line there is one and only one point in clock time associated with that 
> point (with the exception of light), AND the fact that the STc Principle 
> requires a continual movement along that world line means that everything 
> is only at one point in the world line and thus has the single unique clock 
> time associated with that point, and that clock time is the real and actual 
> reading of its clock in the present moment.

Well you had a mighty peculiar way of phrasing this, but never mind.

On all worldlines, all distinct points have a distinct time
coordinate (aka coordinate time).

On all worldlines, all distinct points have a distinct proper time
coordinates, except for those worldlines following a null geodesic.

It seems by your above clarification, that by "clock time" you mean
"proper time coordinate" - which would indeed be unique for points
along the worldlines of massive objects, subject to fixing the origin
of the worldline, of course.

What has that got to do with "the present moment", though?

> That's the falsification of block time because it requires motion through 
> spacetime...

That doesn't follow. One can look at it as motion of a 1p view through
spacetime or as a static 3p worldline described by the block universe
picture. Same mathematical object. It does not falsify the block universe.


Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics      hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
University of New South Wales          http://www.hpcoders.com.au

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