On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 1:06 PM, Edgar L. Owen <edgaro...@att.net> wrote:

> Jesse,
> The point to understand here is the very fact that relativity describes
> different frames that are BOTH simultaneously true from different
> relativistic perspectives requires that there actually is a background
> independent of any PARTICULAR frame that all frames are true within..

In a sense I agree, because I think there is a geometric background
involving coordinate-independent truths about path lengths and when paths
meet at the "same point in spacetime". I just don't agree that the fact
that different frames disagree about which events are assigned the same
t-coordinate means there must be a coordinate-independent analogue to

As always, you haven't addressed my question about whether you think any of
the facts you point to in order to make an argument for
coordinate-independent simultaneity (without assuming it from the start)
fail to have direct analogues in spatial facts about the measuring tape
setup. One can assign coordinates to points on the tapes using different
coordinate systems that are BOTH equally valid, and yet the coordinate
systems disagree about which pairs of points on the tapes are assigned the
same y-coordinate, but you DON'T believe this implies there must be a
coordinate-independent analogue to y-matching. So there must be something
wrong with the structure of your argument about spacetime and simultaneity
if there's an argument about space and y-matching that has a perfectly
identical structure, yet leads to conclusions you yourself would agree are
in error. The only way out of this would be to show the spatial argument
*doesn't* have a perfectly identical structure, because if you laid out the
argument as a series of steps, there would be some step where we couldn't
come up with an analogous step in a spatial argument.


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