On 15 February 2014 09:03, John Mikes <jami...@gmail.com> wrote:

> LizR: but WHO is the observer? In my vocabulary "observer" is
> anyrhing/body acknowledging input on anything/body.
> (from a charged ion to G.B.Shaw upon an electric charge up to a
> drama-input.Observation is part of consciousness (again
> in my terms: as response to relations). (Now Brent, please, do not accuse
> me, the agnostic, of "knowing" too much).
> In such case there is no problem with the 'early' universe, no matter how
> we imagine the explanations of 'observed' data
>  any time by our "science".

But we weren't talking about your vocabulary, we were talking specifically
about comp. And in comp, as far as I know, an "observer" has to be a
conscious being (see exchange quoted below).

> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 3:47 PM, LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 13 February 2014 09:18, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>>> On 12 Feb 2014, at 18:58, meekerdb wrote:
>>>  That doesn't follow.  If there are disjoint worlds, as contemplated in
>>> some versions of cosmology, they may have different physics.
>>> Nice, comp predicts that this is impossible, although I can agree this
>>> is a matter of semantics, as I define a physical laws to be true for all
>>> universal machines, so disjoint worlds will have only different geographies.
>> So you're saying that only those worlds with observers in exist,
>> according to comp? So the physics they observe will necessarily be such
>> that it allows them to exist? (In other words, the "Strong Anthropic
>> Principle" ?)
>> If so, how do you account for us being able to observe an early universe
>> in which there were apparently no observers? Or do we as obsverers create
>> it (somehow) ?

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