On 19 February 2014 13:30, Russell Standish <li...@hpcoders.com.au> wrote:

> > Acceleration of a point particle doesn't cause light crossing the
> > particle to bend (because it's a point) but accel of a larger object
> > does because light takes time to cross the object.
> I'm sure the particle size is not relevant. A point-like concentration
> of mass-energy will still curve spacetime with an approximate 1/r^2.

We aren't talking about the curvature caused by the mass/energy. That's
assumed to exist. We're talking about curvature caused by acceleration, or
more likely (I think) not caused by it.

> > But surely this doesn't mean space-time is really curved, or does it?
> > Or is space-time curvature relative to an observer (surely not) ???
> Spacetime curvature is independent of the observer - in the sense that
> it is a rank 2 tensor, although its components will vary according to
> the observer's reference frame (just like your x,y coordinates change
> whenever I move around my house).
> I'm unsure whether my comment about kinetic energy contributing to
> curvature is correct though. In the particle's instantaneous inertial
> reference frame, the kinetic energy is always zero. Maybe Brent or
> someone else could comment.
> Isn't this just the mass increased with velocity measured by an observer
moving at a different speed?

The question is, does acceleration curve space? It causes effects that are
the same as gravity, but I would imagine it doesn't actually curve space.
Or does it?

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