[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating


Point taken. But I know that the progressive billionaires do advocate
switching off our current dirty, in exchange for promises of clean.
Promises, only, that is. Hydroelectric, isn't really solar, its gravity, so
we can call it gravity power. We should never subsidize nuclear, fossil
fuels, or solar, because they should stand or fall on their own. Its not the
politics of it, its the physics of it. Right now people are not using solar
as a primary source of electricity because they cannot, even though a
majority would love to have it. It doesn't provide enough and it cannot do 7
x 24. Nuclear has proven a disaster, the way its conceived, hence my urging
to switch to Canadian Slowpoke reactors. But lets face it, it will likely
never happen. Shale gas has become the default power as a result of no other
alternatives. What do you suggest and how much time do we have to replace
the dirty and old, since, I take you support AGW? So, what do we do?


The shale gas and oil (kerogen) plays in the Eagle-Ford, Bakken, & Marcelus
formations (to name the big American plays) is definitely a boom for the
drillers who are getting rich off all that sucker money pouring into this
sector.. It has also been a huge PR win for the Gas sector with people
believing that it will provide energy for a long time.. Smile. For those,
instead, who play close attention to the rates of depletion and the return
on Capex (capital expenditure) it is proving to be a monumental bust.
Depletion rates in fracked fields are much higher and the onset of depletion
is much faster than it is for traditional non-fracked gas (and oil)
deposits. Already the Eagle-Ford is showing abundant evidence of this - for
those who look beyond the glossy - happy face -- PR spin put out by the
sector, and the earlier Bakken formation wells are also following on the
same depletion curves. As soon as the breakneck pace of drilling slows the
house of cards is going to fall as reality can no longer be swept under the
rug by huge numbers of new wells coming online.

Did you know that energy now accounts for fully one third of all global
capital spending - the lion's share of it for gas & oil. The global
technology sector by comparison accounts for 7% --



-----Original Message-----
From: meekerdb <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Tue, Feb 25, 2014 7:29 pm
Subject: Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating

On 2/25/2014 4:15 PM, wrote:

Its only a pipe dream if it doesn't work. Its all lies and exaggeration if a
technology if it does not. For decades, people all over the world have
worked on energy systems to replace the "dirty" sources that we have trouble
with, regarding air and water contamination. Many progressive billionaires
and their kept politicians have promoted solar, but it cannot yet power a
single city on Earth. I am not saying this is impossible, but the means of
affordably making and storing electricity, is not enough to power, say, even
one quarter of Auckland, for example. There are always articles on technical
improvements, and I totally support all R&D, but if we cannot supply large
cities with electricity on a 7 x 24 x 365 basis, and until solar can, its a
crock. The problem is the progressives world wide, as an ideology, want
solar to be the source-whether it supplies power of not. This, is a
totalitarian quality, and as such, is civilizational threatening. 

Let's review that: Since solar power (doesn't that include hydroelectric?)
can't provide 24/7/365 power to a major city - it's worthless and we should
just keep subsidizing the fossil fuel industry (including using the military
as necessary) while they endanger the future of civilization; because
actually trying to provide sustainable energy is an evil plot by unnamed
progressive billionaires.

It is to laugh...or cry.


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