[] On Behalf Of LizR

On 2 March 2014 21:05, Chris de Morsella <> wrote:


I agree that it does not reach the level of an explanation, but am toying
with how it could be a mechanism by which something could seemingly arise
from nothing at all. If - as you point out the laws of physics (or math
perhaps if physics itself is emergent)  need to exist a priori that allow
retro-causation to occur.


Fair enough. The upshot (I think) would be that whatever exists is a 4 (or
more) dimensional structure which is in a sense free-floating - whether it's
one universe, a self-generating universe or an infinite and eternal
universe, it effectively comes from nothing (except whatever causes it to
exist in an atemporal manner).


Yes.. A higher dimensional manifold, a dynamic topography, intrinsic and
auto-catalyzed, primally causal; yet uncaused. 

In combination with the dynamism of computationalism (and Darwinian
evolution): All that ever was, will be or can be emerges from some simplest
minimal set of arithmetic axiomic entities operating over and on enumerable
and set entities. and in doing so, unleashing the dynamically self-feeding,
recursive process of self-emergence - now imagine emergence with the
addition of retro-causation feedback auto-catalyzing the process.

This is speculative, of course, and enjoyable.. For some at least LOL



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