[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2014 11:37 PM
Subject: Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?


On 2 March 2014 20:28, Chris de Morsella <> wrote:

>>Yes, except I conceive of a virtuous circle of explanation...and reject
the idea that there is an base.

An interesting view. Recently I have been toying with retro-causality as a
potential mechanism for self-manifestation without any need of ultimate
origin or any primal causation.


IMHO you need some sort of logical explanation. Otherwise retrocausality is
like eternal inflation - you can use it to explain where the universe comes
from, but you still need to explain the origin of the laws of physics that
allow it to happen. (This is why I find Max Tegmark's mathematical universe
stuff appealing.)


I agree that it does not reach the level of an explanation, but am toying
with how it could be a mechanism by which something could seemingly arise
from nothing at all. If - as you point out the laws of physics (or math
perhaps if physics itself is emergent)  need to exist a priori that allow
retro-causation to occur.

Seriously I am very much agnostic on all of this, and feel like a blind
person trying to understand a sunset, but, at the same time and in the same
breath, I am fascinated by where these meanderings on the edge of the
beginning can go, from time to time.


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