On Saturday, March 1, 2014 1:21:44 AM UTC, Liz R wrote:
> Dear old Isaac Asimov's predictions for the distant future of 2014.
> http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/asimov-predictions-from-1964-brief-report-card/
this is what the Clash predicted http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkyCrx4DyMk
I stumbled on it....considering it's meant to be Punk, I was surprised how 
good it is. Good vocals
Being different, dressing different, making your own music, writing your 
own lyrics. It's something kids marv el ad,t when a band does it today. It 
was the norm back in the day. A lucky time that way. Black music was 
something to marvel at, so diverse, so experimental, so leading the way. It 
just vanished , I hope it comes back one day. Simon Cowell says the average 
quality is higher than ever, but a sausage factory does that 

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