On 3/23/2014 11:27 PM, LizR wrote:
On 24 March 2014 17:48, chris peck <chris_peck...@hotmail.com <mailto:chris_peck...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

    The only person in any doubt was you wasn't it Liz?

Er, no, lots of people got the wrong end of the stick and argued about it at length. I was one of the ones who said he probably meant ... whatever it turned out he meant. (Maybe I just don't have enough maths background to get the wrong end of the stick on this sort of thing.)

I wonder if people on the list are aware of Adrian Kent's proposed test of MWI. Before you look at his paper on the link below, answer this question:

By courtesy of genetic engineering and an oppressive Orwellian government, you must choose a reproductive strategy for yourself and all your descendants. You will become a member of either humans-a or humans-b. Each generation, say 70yrs, all humans-a die and leave one progeny, so the human-a population stays constant. But each generation the human-b population will, in accordance with a 0.5 probability quantum event, either go extinct, none have progeny, or they triple, each one dies leaving three progeny.
Then the question is, which new subspecies do you want to join, human-a or 

Kent's paper is arXiv:0905.0624v2.


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