On 27 March 2014 11:53, Russell Standish <li...@hpcoders.com.au> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:31:25AM +1300, LizR wrote:
> > On 27 March 2014 11:30, Russell Standish <li...@hpcoders.com.au> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > infinitely big in either space or time ... - yes, well why not? We
> > > consider Turing machines that can run for ever with a potentially
> > > infinite tape.
> > >
> > > I think infinite in time but not space implies a Nietzschean eternal
> > recurrence? Which makes said brain effectively finite (well, "merely"
> > limited to all possible brains, so only finite after it's lived every
> > possible life available to any being, anywhere - or experienced all the
> > pigeonholes up to whatever the Beckenstein brain bound is, probably
> quite a
> > lot).
> >
> Discuss what this means for Tipler's Omega point (finite amount of
> space, but an infinite amount of computation).
> It means space-time is infinitely divisible and this can be used to create
hypercomputers as a naked singularity is approached, I guess. Or maybe it
means that Tipler didn't see any upper limit on the energy levels of some
physical system (gravity waves?) that could be used by a sufficiently
advanced civilisation (I would think the Planck temperature would put a
bound on that in practice???)

Sorry it's a long time since I read that book and I'm vague as to the
physical mechanism he was proposing. I was only considering brains in flat
space-time with a finite number of possible quantum states available (the
latter in particular is a standard assumption for a theory of immortality I
think, as we discussed earlier). So these would be brains limited by the
Beckenstein bound on their volume of space-time.

Actually the BB applies to black holes as well so I would guess that might
cause a problem for the Big Crunch, I'm not sure, would it apply to a naked

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