Wow. I'm going to have to read that article posted earlier on this thread
when I get time (I tried to print it but the printer here at work is out of
toner :(

This is more the sort of response I was hoping for (for or against).

On 8 April 2014 14:29, Pierz <> wrote:

> I used to keep a dream diary Liz, and one day when I was looking back
> through my old dreams, I came across this, from October 1998:
> "I am in with a crowd of people in some kind of tall building in what I
> think is New York. It's one of two similar buildings. We are looking out
> the window when I see a kind of sliver wave moving across the city, like
> the ripple left behind by a dorsal fin. When it hits the building, it's
> like being stabbed with a knife. The building starts to wave from side to
> side like it's about to fall. I wake up with the words: 'we all must
> experience terror'".
> That freaked me out. That's the most powerful example, but I've become
> convinced of this synchronicity between dreams and the outer world.
> Although I'm agnostic on the "comp" question, it seems to me to be not at
> all precluded by comp (though the question might be: what *would be*
> precluded by comp? It seems to permit much more than it precludes). I think
> Jung would see in your dream/synchronicity not the intervention of a deity,
> but an invitation to go beyond your rational self. The numinous is knocking!
> On Saturday, April 5, 2014 9:00:09 AM UTC+11, Liz R wrote:
>> Last night just before I woke up I had a dream about a guy coming to the
>> door selling religion, so to speak - the details were a bit weird, as in
>> most dreams, but that was the gist of it - I sent him away, saying "no
>> thanks we don't indulge" or words to that effect.
>> I've never had a dream of that sort, at least not that I can recall.
>> A few minutes ago, for the first time since we've been in this house (1
>> and a half years) - indeed the first time in a lot longer than that - a guy
>> came to the door with a copy of the "Watchtower" and a personal message
>> from God. I sent him away, but ... I was a bit shaken.
>> Charles also had a weird recurring dream for several years about a
>> situation he has now found himself in, to do with work, which has freaked
>> him out a bit, although his makes more sense as a "worry dream".
>> Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence ... isn't it?
>>  --
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