On 14 Apr 2014, at 09:40, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

2014-04-12 19:42 GMT+02:00 Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be>:

No doubt on this for me. Affordable, and with good user's manuals. Most pregnant kids get pregnant before having has the sexual education school classes according to a recent statistics.

For people like most of you, most of you also childless, that are disconnected from your human inner sense, it is necessary to talk about very basic chains of causations. People that believe that men are machines, behave like machines. I ´m very sorry for you.

You silence the inner sense, your nous that tell you: No. that is not right. This inner sense is the legacy of knowledge from millions of previous generations. It is so important that it is immediate. It is necessary a lot of indoctrination to silence it. What is most urgent today is to remove all this indoctrination to recover this inner sense, the common sense, the Nous of the Greek Philosophers.

On the contrary, for abortion, both studies + listening to women makes me feel according to women an inner sense on that matter.

Same for machine, I show that self-relatively correct machine can't avoid the presence of a fist person point of view, with qualitative properties, and this when using only the most classical definition of knowledge.

It is your prejudice on the machines which makes you feel that such an hypothesis would be a reductionism.

But how to talk about this with men that want other people to be machines at the image and likeness of themselves?

On the contrary, I challenge the comp hypothesis. At first sight I refute it, but then I shows that the math illustrates it is too premature to say that it is refuted.

How to talk with machines that hate what makes humans above anything else? how to talk with people that despises its own humanity?. the only way is to talk in its own language.

Contraception reproduce most of the problems that I mentioned and produce other new. You, machines, contemplate the blind process of natural selection: machines have other machines, and these machines have been selected to maximize fitness, In a firt approximation fitness can be assimilated to the number and strength of the child machines produced.

There are two kind of machines 1 and 2. both produce third copies of themselves.

Think a little bit: machine 1 and 2 programs main purpose, by the very nature of natural selection, to produce copies. If machine 1 and machine 2 get crazy by a virus program that impede the creation of copies. When the main program find that there is no copies produced for whatever reason, it is logical that natural selection have produced the following automatic strategies:

1) try to intensify the frequency f transfer of information in order to try to make the reproduction mechanism to work.

2) if this does not work, machine 1 and 2 will transfer information with other machines 2 and 1 respectively. infidelity

3) finally the pair will break. the process will repeat indefinitely. 1 2 3 again and again.

Because the phase 1 of the life program of machine 1 and 2 is not sucessfully executed, both stay in this phase of the program, that I may call "adolescence" , characterized by a look for couples, trying to be attractive and try to monopolize as much machines of the other type as possible by means of pacific or violen means or whatever in the middle. and for living in the urgence of the present. This is realized in the form of ridculous display of power, false intelligence, egotism, violence, money and beauty, even at advanced age. But also by excessive exhibitions of sentimentalsm hate and whatever that permits the creation of gangs.

Phases 2 and 3 never get executed: let´s call it "adult responsiblity" and "devotion to past and future generations" since natural selected algoritms of the machines must cover second and third level of fitness parameters by making sure that the society of machines work well and will work well for the future generations. If this is not covered with proper machine activities then no matter the number of machines produced in the next generation, if the society dies a few generations later, the machine fitness will be zero.

The net effect is uncertainty, violence, hypersexualization and unhappiness. And the destruction of the society, by the way. but because you are machines uncapable to acknowledge that, since you hate and repress what is human, yo can not agree. is your reputation as machines what is at stake

I think you confuse me with someone else. I am a logician. All what I say is that IF we are machine, then Plato's theology and the mystic is more rational than Aristotle and the materialists/naturalist.

So you not only are machines, but a degraded form of machines if you disobey your inner program. But I do not expect that machines like you, victims of a indoctrination virus realize that simple reasoning.

I am open to non computationalist theory, but when should we say no to the doctor? When he proposes glasses?, an artificial kidney?, an artificial hippocampus? ... tell me.

I told here about what is different in contraception from abortion. The rest of the effects are the same. Among them, and relevant for machines like you is the knowledge and information that will be undoubtedly lost and the knowledge that we will simple not gain in the future due to the population limitation and reduction and thus the loss of collective intelligence, also due to the inherent limitations of the adolescent phase.

I guess you misunderstood me. I want abortion legal to be able to limit it and reduce the harm. Contraception limits also abortion and is something even less avoidable, ... then people do as their inner sense told them, and nobody can think for the other. I am not convinced by your argument above.

Darwin has also been criticized as someone diminishing the human (becoming a cousin of the chimpanzee) and I understand it is not easy to embrace the idea that the universal numbers constitutes a new infinity of cousins. You might have missed the discovery of Turing, Post, Church, Kleene, and ... Gödel, Löb, etc. This really has demolished the (common) reductionist conception of the machines and the numbers.


Best wishes

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