On Sunday, May 18, 2014 10:55:03 PM UTC+1, Platonist Guitar Cowboy wrote:
> On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 7:22 PM, <ghi...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote:
>> On Sunday, May 18, 2014 2:57:02 PM UTC+1, Platonist Guitar Cowboy wrote:
>>> On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 5:41 AM, Richard Ruquist <yan...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hibbs,
>>>> I do not often share your opinion, but in this instance I do. It seems 
>>>> to me that Bruno's principal argument for comp is that it predicts MWI. 
>>>> Yet 
>>>> MWI itself is not falsifiable or testable.
>>>>  And I think MWI fails the measure problem despite the Gleason Theorem. 
>>>> I think it is a mistake for Bruno to connect comp to MWI. Comp like string 
>>>> theory is so rich in results that I suggest that it could as well predict 
>>>> a 
>>>> single world.
>>>> However, I do appreciate Bruno's intellect and humility, a rare 
>>>> combination.
>>> You do?  
>>> Then why participate in this tedious, repetitive carousel of personal 
>>> attacks (pointing to flaws without precision, just hand waving that there 
>>> is one and/or attacking Bruno on personal level) of everybody who hasn't 
>>> red the original thesis, the literature they are based on, and the papers 
>>> that build, clarify, or expand on the consequences; while pretending to 
>>> presuppose their content and invalidating them disingenuously? 
>>> Everybody here should know by now that these "attacks" don't lead 
>>> anywhere because off topic by nature and that comp makes your head spin in 
>>> disbelief at first recognizing possibilities and implications. That's not 
>>> an argument and neither are personal judgements and attacks of this sort. 
>>> The real time wasters. PGC
>> Quite a spew for someone that didn't look closely to in the first place 
>> make a say. There's no profile of malice....I've only ever had one major 
>> criticism of Bruno's theorizing, and I've tried hard to say it well enough 
>> for him that he can move past this. 
>> It is totally independent of theory - his or anyone's. It's about 
>> falsification that's all. He understands this wrongly...he conceives of it 
>> thing with many variant .....,,.but this the bedrock of science, it's an 
>> hard to vary thing.
>> I understand you....you status-sniff so twill not have read any of my 
>> descriptions.  Had you of, you'd not entertain poor motivation this keenly, 
>> because endless tries to say it better, a single - just one - major 
>> criticism, is not the profile for that. 
>> Why not you have a go at my post previous to this, in which despite his 
>> allegation of vaguery, I go a few steps further than anyone else I'm aware 
>> of around here, to make more explicit the end to end structure of 
>> falsifiability as it is, in Science. I say. 
>> How about you give me that say, and suffer reading the points, and should 
>> you find disagreement, let me know. If possible also be less of a 
>> turd-sniffer PGC. There's a of formula. 
> Thank you for proving my point by making matters clear. PGC
I don't think you had a distinctive point did you? You haven't read my side 
of things, you apparently disallow that something 
like prediction/falsification is as important to me as your comp 
envisionings are to you. Or to Bruno. You seem to visualize a sort of 
pecking order perhaps, in which the value of Bruno's passion or yours, for 
comp and infinite worlds and dreams and so on is embued with greater value, 
than Science as I see it, proper, has deep resonance with me. You vomited a 
number of allegations over me, when in fact I've made all the effort to 
make my case and I've never blanket dismissed Bruno the way Bruno blanket 
dismisses me. You're side taking PGC, in way that is totally unfair and 
unexplained. I've done nothing to you. I strongly disagree with elements of 
Bruno's theorizing, notably his claims to falsifiability which are NOT 
true. We both feel strongly, and we both continue to choose to engage. It's 
not your business. Only one person has dramatically attacked someone, and 
that is you your attack on me. 
You'd be welcome to join the argument...you'd be welcome to account for 
what YOU think falsification means, if you do know what it means. If 
you had engaged with my position and through that come to a standing on the 
value and/or motivation of my stance, that also would be acceptable to me. *But 
jumping in, 
discrediting me with malign motivation, accusing me failing to know or care 
what Bruno's ideas are. And then coming back with the pompous 
self-fascinated retort when I quite fairly and right call you for what you 
are being -  a nose that sniffs around other peoples turds thinking 
they smell a lot worse than his own. You're an empty pair of trousers mate. 

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