On 23 May 2014 12:54, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

>  On 5/22/2014 4:16 PM, LizR wrote:
> On the other hand, I find arguments along the lines of "we generate
> physics because we demand certain types of answer from nature"
> unsatisfying, indeed they strike me as postmodernism in disguise, which I'm
> personally averse to.
> Me too.  But that's not what I (or Stenger said).  What we said was that
> we demand that our descriptions of nature apply in all circumstances in
> order to count as "laws of physics".

Oh well, I wouldn't argue with that. (Except if someone discovers that some
constant of nature actual varies with time...but that would almost
certainly point to something more fundamental that doesn't.)

> What's surprising is how much you can get from this, as shown by Noether.
> Just demanding translation invariance implies a conserved quantity we call
> momentum.

Yes of course. Most of modern physics is based on symmetry principles. But
it isn't "demanding" translation invariance, imho, it's observing it. One
can imagine worlds in which physical properties vary with position, but we
observe that we don't live in one of them. (Of course Max T gets this from
his MUH, observing that lots of mathematical structures have built in
symmetries .... though Garrett Lisi hasn't found the right one yet).

> Look up Vic's book.

I have an awful lot of books on science floating around waiting to be read.
Not to mention "Tronnies" :-)

> As I say, I think he makes it sound better than it is because it's not
> always to obvious what transformation relative to which we want to maintain
> invariance.  You have to know that you want make the speed of light
> invariant in order to get conservation of 4-momentum.

I don't see the problem here. Measurements indicated something was weird
with the speed of light, and that was followed up, resulting in special
relativity. If you try to make something invariant that isn't, you will
find your measurements give the wrong results, surely, and revise your
assumptions? At least, eventually.

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