You make some excellent points.  And pardon me for not recognizing my own model.




[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2014 3:07 PM


On 9 June 2014 06:19, John Ross <> wrote:

Tronnies are each a point focus of Coulomb forces. 


Are you saying tronnies aren't particles, but excitations of this Coulomb 
field? Actually this implies that only the field exists, tronnies are just a 
convenient way of indicating where it's strongest. (Assuming they have no mass, 
at least, as you say.)


Coulomb forces spread out from this focus point in all directions at the speed 
of light.  The tronnies travel in circles at speeds of (π/2)c so each tronnie 
is always at the focus of its own Coulomb force waves directed along the 
diameter of its circle.  By the time the tronnie has completed one cycle its 
coulomb forces have completed 360 degrees.  In entrons the tronnies cycle at 
frequencies of about 1.5 billion cycles per second to about 160 trillion 
trillion cycles per second (160 X 1024 cyc/s). 


"At the focus" for point particles implies infinite precision. How do you deal 
with perturbations if your model needs infinite precision to work?


I don’ know  what they detected.  I don’t think they know.  My guess is they 
detected high-energy protons, maybe some high-energy anti-protons, high-energy 
electrons,  high-energy positrons and high-energy entrons.  They may have 
detected some neutrino entrons, but these babies are very hard to detect.  I 
understand that they think they detected some neutrinos in an underground 
neutrino detector many miles from Cern.  These were probably neutrino photons. 


You need to be able to at least explain existing results for your model to be 
taken seriously.


I have not done the math to demonstrate all the forces acting within an alpha 
particle and between alpha particles.  I invite all readers to do the math.  
Actually, the math may not be too complicated.  We know the exact path of the 
protons and the electrons within the alpha particle.  We can probably assume 
that in the carbon nucleus the alpha particles are approximately stationary, 
since carbon-12 has zero spin. 


Well, it really should be up to you to do the maths. I believe Einstein had to 
learn a new branch of maths to formulate General Relativity. You at least need 
to produce equations which describe the system under consideration, which other 
people may be able to solve for particular cases. 


I don’t know how to do computer modeling.  Again I invite all readers that can 
do computer modeling based on my model.  If you are the first to prove I am 
right, you may be in for a big prize. 


You could pay a programmer, as long as you have some equations, they can apply 
them to a model of a suitable system. I think what you do is create, say, a 
couple of tronnies as data structures, and then apply the equations of motion 
to them over and over again and see what path they trace out under their mutual 
attraction. My guess is that (like the famous weather simulation that was 
important in bringing chaos theory into existence) you won't get a stable 
result, because the floating-point numbers you have to use to describe the 
tronnies' positions have limited precision. Personally I don't think a theory 
that requires infinite precision can work, because nature doesn't seem to be 
infinitely precise. So this would be a valid test, imho - does the system fall 
down when simulated? (You can I believe get any finite amount of precision in 
your simulation, the calculations just take longer for higher precision.)


I don’t understand RM and virtual practice.


RM = Ross Model (in an effort to save wear and tear on my typing fingers). 
"Virtual practice" meant you could see your model working in practice - except 
that it wouldn't be what we normally mean by in practice (in the real world) 
but in a simulation. Hence "VP". :-)

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