On Saturday, June 14, 2014 3:54:15 AM UTC+1, Kim Jones wrote:
> > On 14 Jun 2014, at 1:20 am, ghi...@gmail.com <javascript:> wrote: 
> > 
> > when you never read anything I say (and have *never* responded directly 
> explicitly to anything I say). 
> I don't think you can get away with that. That reeks of something or other 
> on the emotional level. I would say that people generally make the best 
> effort to read and understand your posts many of which are highly detailed 
> and yes, verbose. I actually find Bruno easier to understand than you on a 
> plain english language level and you are the native English speaker. Now 
> just wrap your head around that. I would like to understand what you are on 
> about a whole lot better but am usually stonkered by your writing style. A 
> good rule of thumb to adopt is to not write anything in a white heat of 
> passion but to write the shortest possible sentences and use the minimal 
> amount of words. Throw out all unnecessary adjectives. These are just 
> personal value judgement-laden objects anyway and say far more about the 
> writer than what the writer is trying to communicate. This is a plea for 
> simplicity. If people don't respond In a way you might want, I am 
> suggesting that they may be finding you a tad tedious. Having said that, I 
> sincerely mean it when I say that I believe you have something important to 
> say and would like to come to grips with it 
> cent
> Kim

Or let me say it another less gentle way. Because I think that's 
the trajectory...you haven't signalled a wish to change it, in any kind of 
resolutiofn seeking manner known to be effective. You've intervened in the 
dialogue between Bruce and myself, I'd estimate 10 to 15 times.  Here it's 
all about my bad talking and my bad thinking by conceiving - and this is 
effectively verbatim your position KIM, my bad thinking fisor thinking ill 
will is the sort of thing anyone does. But me.

 Everyone is basically good and well intentioned. You are. You sure 
are...because you've trying..and you want to understand...but my bad 
talking is just too bad. And you've positive that you've told me how I can 
change. You've listed why beyond being linguistically bad, specific 
structures in my bad talking indicate strong negatives about character. 

And you have tried. You've studied this from many angles. I can attest to 
that. Because you've come into this discussion about 10 - 15 times and 
almost each time has centred on something different; A different trait. 
This time language...but feasibly all of them fit into that because 
its language. But sometimes the analysis has been much more precise...like 
maybe I say something to Bruno that involves a criticism. You've been able 
to contribute by analysing that, and finding on 2 or more occasion from 
memory, that the exact opposite was true. 

I've got to learn the lesson, because the bad thinking - that there's a 
shared burden of responsibility or culpability, or motive, bad talking, bad 
thinking...is realistic and good philosophy in any plausible universe. You 
are coming into this having done a lot of hard work, and objective 
analysis.,..and taken together your 10 to 15 interjections I think I'm 
starting to benefit here. I can see it was more bad thinking slipping in 
that someone was basically finding a way to 100% support Bruno and 100% 
find a way to do that involved making me 100% responsible, was your good 
intentions and hard analysis from many angels was thoroughness and not an 
indication someone was basically signalling they didn't give a fuck about 
anything I had to say that wasn't a total and unconditional acknowledgement 
of their own reading, which involved one loved person being above all 
question and another basically being there to pick up anything smelly and 

NO. Bad thinking. Thinking others could share a burden., Bad bad. It's me. 
All me. All those 10 to 15 different. All me what PGC says. All me 
Bruno...goes without question. 

And that's a good resolution seeking approach. Bad thinking it was bad. 
I've seen that one work many many. And very quickly and it stays worked on 
a pretty long term basis. Resolution seeking strategies are the same 
wherever you go in the world. The tools...the stakes...ok that can be 
different. You're one...some places is about someone begs for their life or 
if it's too late for that, then their families life. And maybe they can get 
to stick around on this planet. Or they can get a bullet in the head. It's 
an effective resolution Kim. I get that. Here the stakes aren't high. But 
it's definitely a convergent strategy that I can fuck off out of this place 
or acknowledge your theory that I get to pick up all negatives all contexts 
because everyone else particularly Bruno are good people, and make best 

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