On Sunday, June 15, 2014 5:16:22 PM UTC+1, John Clark wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 11:41 AM, <ghi...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote:
> > What you seem to be doing John, is trying to make a position that 
>> something is equal across distinct domains (like computers and humans)
> Yes, that is exactly precisely what I am doing. 
> > that involves implicitly or otherwise dismissing both the reality of 
>> difference in the current status of how major layers of hard knowledge has 
>> in respect of, here 'intelligence' AND the accumulate characteristic 
>> reality of knowledge that it is layered and that layers are typically 
>> independent on some or other sense, and therefore robust in and of 
>> themselves. 
> Do me a favor, read the above aloud and then ask yourself if you really 
> expect others to understand what in the world you're talking about.
>   John K Clark

You are absolutely right IMHO that's an appalling paragraph. It so happens 
I did for once read through, and did identify that exact paragraph. So, I'm 
hoping that you like me found the other parts comprehensible. I considered 
a follow on post re-stating that one, but because all I was doing was 
summing up what I'd said, I thought I'd risk you'd not need it. But what 
I'll do here is not only restate it, but restate in more science-convention 

Obviously bear in mind there's a context you'll have to refresh yourself on 
in what I'd said first. 

So, in that paragraph I was summing up that: 

In making your argument that the current problem of intelligence was equal 
between computers and humans: 

- You ignore how many independent fields and lines of stand alone evidence 
exist in those fields with respect to intelligence 

- In doing so, apart from the problem of doing that on its own terms: 

- you ignore the historic cumulative fact of robust knowledge that it 
features distributed layers of related yet on some measure independent 
fields of knowledge 

Does this help?


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