On Sunday, June 15, 2014 6:55:42 PM UTC+1, John Clark wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 12:41 PM, <ghi...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote:
> > So, in that paragraph I was summing up that: 
>> In making your argument that the current problem of intelligence was 
>> equal between computers and humans: 
> I'm saying computers and humans should be judged equally and judged on 
> what they can do. I'm NOT saying that computers and humans manage to do the 
> things they do in the same way, but I AM saying I don't care. I have no 
> sympathy for the idea that although Einstein behaved brilliantly he wasn't 
> really very intelligent because he got his ideas in a blah blah way. I'm 
> only interested in results, I'm not interested in excuses. Someday 
> computers will be able to not just do better science but do better art and 
> tell better dirty jokes and do EVERYTHING better than any human that has 
> ever lived, and at that point it would be rather silly to say they're not 
> *really* intelligent.     
>  John K Clark

OK, well I guess that's a position I can certainly agree with. What isn't 
clear - to me anyway - is how much your thought is actually carrying there 
John. Which would be a little micro-instance of one of the (full set of all 
of them attempted) points I failed to make myself useful/helpful to Bruno 
over. I say micro-instance for reasons I'm sure you wouldn't mind and would 
concur with: Bruno's isn't a thought, but something someone put a huge 
amount of effort into, and which exhibits a large amount of structure, in 
my view, that I'd associate with things like high integrity truth seeking, 
robustness seeking, inclusive of things like, as I could make out, sort of, 
you know....like hmm. Hmm. Yeah them guys that dig up bits of 
pottery...archaeologists bugger me Bing shows a bit of lead in the old 
pencil even if still far from getting it up google. Sorry...I am trying to 
say....that for me his work best I could see, apart from good stuff in a 
lot of the structure I thought I saw, also a large amount of tiny fragment 
like stuff that over a time I thought I was able draw lines between. Things 
that were once very real in the distant history of his journey that marked 
all these other times, good things. I mean like trying pretty hard to see 
why it was a silly idea and bother on something else, but in the end 
failing and so having to keep buggering on. 

Bit like ourselves in our lives. So real, so fleeting, but so real in our 
moment no less than whoever or whatever whenever and ifever thinking back 
in way that just might have all about us. Then we die and we're memories 
and remembered proportionate to the love we accepted and gave back. Then 
our contributions to the world both recognized and unrecognized, realized 
by us and unrealized. Like the cemetery in the period our names and 
epitaphs remain legible. Then after the time the stone is there, Then the 
discolouration of a small patch of grass. Then it's maybe like the there 
then gone, footsteps in the snow in the moments before the rain. The breeze 
upon the thigh. And MY ABILITY TO KEEP FOCUS ON WHAT THE FUCK I was talking 

Anyway I saw it, but that I saw, whether that happened, whether that was 
ever even attempted, whether anything like such a motivation existed as 
that and not it's mirror-paired darkness the other side of that 
possibility. Said it few times but definitely failed all counts there too. 
Bruno currently I'm a little emotional and can only really think of you as 
an arse. And do feel rather aggrieved and probably have one or two slightly 
troubling fantasies about being beastly to you for ever and ever to show 
you show you show you so there. But if any of that makes you worry, just 
another failed communication my-side. Saying out never pairs with acting 
out. I'm not mad or bad dude, just frustrated and irritated, probably a lot 
like you feel. 

So anyone back to John whose gone. John, like I was saying, I can agree 
with your thought, but am not sure how much that thought is actually 
carrying. Was your thought altered or did you entertain it might be and 
duly work that out, through anything I or anyone said? I can't tell, 
because everything I said depends on a personal reading what you were 
actually saying...in effect. Which on my reading had the problem of 
indistinctness. And given the same view of yours definitely you've been 
lugging around for a long time...(first seen way back on FoR) and also 
because in the construction of that view you do other things that equally, 
best I can tell, you make mistakes or leave out steps you would have to 
have made, or whatever, I thought I'd bother mentioning those issues. 

But whether I was right I can't tell, because the problem then was 
indistinctness, and still is now. Can't tell if it's less or more because 
that's indistinctness for you. 

On the other hand, doesn't matter does it? It was indistinctness then, and 
that would have been proven if my reading - so my structure of logic I 
thought best to caste light on that - had bteen correct, the result would 
be indistinctness now, but clearly visible to you and me together. Which is 
what there is...indistinctness...for me. But can't say if for you. Can't 
say how much if any of the meat I tried to contribute was comprehensible, 
useful, entertained, or just drained like dirty dish water like over 
somewhere else (no hard feelings dudes). Can't tell man. Cos all you just 
did was say what you mean in a way failed to see the distinctiveness of, 
enough to say I agreed and did not disagree or disagreed and did not agree. 

Currently by the way having a bit of a tease on the other dudes by writing 
the mother of all verbose incomprehensible no one currently still reading, 
even I went to sleep a few minutes ago leaving my fingers typing. No one 
here. No deserving case for anyone to be here. Only my fingers and sad 
bastards remaining, present company excluding my rattling fingers 

So why is it indistinct the same way I was saying about a vastly more 
complex and subtle system (hence my point the same, hence very hard to 
characterize in a non-participative process). Your side is easier because 
it's not a lifes-work though might be on course to be a life's cracked 
record if your consistency carries on the same way it has continued on. 
It's indistinct, because there is more than one way, a lot more, to 
'complete the argument' by wrapping another argument around it, where the 
two have certain relationships. In fact...in my view...the certain 
relations are the opposite...the mirror...of the 'good kind' of same thing 
between those distributed layers of related but on some measure independent 
fields of knowledge that are on some measure the whole and the parts of 
some other field. 

The kind of logical encapsulation that reverses to be the negative 
relation - because by no means do all of them do this - is when a sort of 
cancerous situation takes root where the inner logic - in this case your 
thought sort of breaches the divide with the outer first in one dimension 
then more, sort of melding to and then consuming it into itself, in a way 
that...from the perspective of the source of the logic exactly the 
expectation derives magically in front of them. In your case it's as simple 
as just a little bit of rationalizing going on somewhere. I mean..that's 
what I think it is. Currently anyway. 

Bruno's theory it isn't as simple as that. The reason I spent so long 
trying to fuss around the point in more vague ways, was because of all the 
good things. See..I didn't and don't really know how it might go, or did go 
in that case. Wasn't about refuting or undermining his ideas. Was trying 
pretty hard - or fooling myself of that - that the realization when it came 
if it came would arrive at the same time as the property I thought as my 
best guess was there, and wanted to study myself because hadn't seen that 
far this kind of thing before - not with someone elses idea.

The property was a re-emergence of something I see a lot, and that is what 
I describe as a mirror-pairing. Can occur in any dimension or context with 
any meaning. The significance of this one was that althought the 
encapsulation layer, logic thing, I am 100% - some minimal amount to keep 
the popperians off my back, sure about. Which way the problem of 
'unrealized assumptions' was going, that is whether it was me doing that, 
with my logic and reasoning, or whether it was him doing that with his 
logic and reason, in other words whether my logic was the encapsulation of 
his, completing his, so revealing oversights in his, or his was 
encapsulating mine, completing mine so reveal oversights in mine. 

Couldn't say. Still can't. Wanted to deliver enough all together that he'd 
get all of that together, else understood a large risk that came with 
getting anything less than all could be pretty negative one way or another. 

Failed. Won't try again...can't no point. Only one go between two theories 
or people or whatever. Way it is. My reading. 

Don't know if I remembered to say above...none of this to be taken 
seriously. Except the serious bits naturally. 


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