War is surely a drain, but often the lack of covalent violence often costs 
hugely in the number of lives lost and yes, suffering. Simply look at the 
policies of the last 2 American chieftains. One was bad, the newer one, awful. 
Simply cast your eyes to the goings of in Syria, and now Iraq. View with open 
eyes the policies of Boko Haram, in Nigeria, and earlier, today in Kenya. 
Things are clearly worse now, then 7 years ago, internationally. It reminds me 
of the isolationist policies of the 1920's and 30's that appeared to encouraged 
war, and mass murder. This was a rightist phenomena, as a reaction, not only to 
the First World War, but the US President, Woodrow Wilson. A man praised by 
liberals and Marxists of the time for his wartime suppression of constitutional 
rights. One historian called it (kindly) "Democracy at bayonet point." Wilson 
was a law professor, I recall, and so was BHO at the U of Chicago. Things are 
rolling out of control, and as always, there is a cost to be paid. 

My wholly, Imaginary, campaign,  at least with the Islamists (not their Liberal 
enablers) is a 3 pronged approach. One would be energy liberation from 
hostiles. We, no buy. We can do this, but our leader doesn't approve. Secondly, 
and the most baffling to everyone in the world, is a focus on the afterlife. 
Why? Because this is what gets the other fellows out of the bed in the morning, 
The Shahada. The prayer affirming Allah as the "true God, the permission to die 
in battle against enemies of Allah, and last to be rewarded in the next world 
for the sacrifice and privilege, of dying as a shaeed, a martyr in Allah's 
battles. Last, is the military option. The enemy, see's Allah smiling upon them 
when the win, and lashing them when the come a cropper. Its complex, but 
knowing what the other fellow thinks opens up options. The dry diplomacy has 
its uses but doesn't hit the target. This is just me, mind you, reflecting on a 
big, big, problem. Will this sketch ever see the light of day? No.

Your last statement you might consider re-thinking. because oceans no longer 
protect. The ICBM missile technology dates back to 1966, as MIRV'd weapons go, 
back in the days before microchips, and better telemetry. What I fear is a 
decapitation attack that eliminates command and control from a government. No 
nation that I know of has a really good chain of command, when their capital 
disappears. This includes the US. North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, along with China 
and Russia (likely) are priming the fission-pump, for fun and profit. DC and 
NYC go toasty, watch most of the world capitulate. My way of war fighting, 
depending on the enemy and situation would not be about holding the land, but 
about hitting the enemy with airborne attacks, and specifically drone attacks. 
Just keep wearing away at the Jihadis. Eventually they see that Allah the most 
merciful no longer smiles on their activities, and they seek a hudna, a truce. 
This is the best I can hope for if point 1, and 2 are not tried. On that point, 
it will never be done, because its not conventional thinking, of guys in suits 
and ties, who will let run us all.    

If I was an American I would be totally against any more wars that cost 
American soldier lives and drain the we th of the country, based on what you 
are saying above.....firstly for military reasons. You have spoken of the need 
to fight wars, but not actually said who against. Not in terms a military 
campaign can be planned around. I mean I'm not saying you need to decide an 
actual strategy

But there are generic questions that need to be answered by anyone who things a 
war should happen. Like...for you.....you want to send soldiers into harms way. 
What goal are hundreds or thousands of those young Americans laying down their 
lives for? The answer to that is not principle, what is the situation on the 
ground in the wake of war, and what are the reasons why that situation + the 
realignment of local power structures, is worth those lives and the cost? , 

What you said above, the Jesus/AI line: Firstly it doesn't seem like the US 
needs to fight these distant wars. Theres no problem on the American continent 
and the US has oceans either side. What is this survival threat, and what sort 
of calculations are you doing that you believe young soldiers should die by the 
hundred or thousand to secure? What is the payback? 

-----Original Message-----
From: ghibbsa <ghib...@gmail.com>
To: everything-list <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, Jun 16, 2014 3:41 pm
Subject: Re: Pluto bounces back!

On Monday, June 16, 2014 7:53:07 PM UTC+1, spudb...@aol.com wrote:
1. 9-11 in the US answered all questions regarding the Islamists as fair as I 
am concerned. 
2. The applied standard for patriotism is doing actions that help the US 
survive long enough until the genuine AI is achieved, or Jesus returns, as the 
Christians desire. Until then, we need to seek to survive and thrive. That's my 
3. I heard that it was closer to 2 trillion dollars in national wealth wasted 
on the Saddam war. I would have gone into Pakistan, and pursed Bin Laden, and 
his protectors in the ISI. They would have deposed Musharef, our, Pakistani 
chum, and would have sought the annihilation of Al Qaeda and affiliated orgs. 
Bush was buds with the Saudis and that is no mistake, and explains much about 
the previous administrations decisions. 
4. The economic complaint is bogus, in light of BHO's anti-jobs policies 
economically. He and his party do not believe in job creation that is not 
affiliated with the democrat party. So he is good with teachers unions, state 
workers, and federal employees, and trade unions, that funnel cash into 
democrat pacs. Small businesses provide little for his party, and he has no use 
for people who 'slow down the process.' Hence, this is why the US joblessness 
rate has been so high, even after the 09 market crash. Obama has much more 
crony capitalist contributors then Bush ever had, Koch's not with standing. The 
trillions would have gone into the pockets of his billionaires, his unions, as 
it did from 2009 forward. Wall Street loves him-contrary to Marxist prop. The 
poor get free phones and snap cards. 
5. Sure, war is a waste, and a terrible one at that. But its somewhat better 
then seeing yourself or your buds, conquered and killed, which can be a bummer, 
Let me ask you this? How many protesters do we see world-wide, against the 
Putin's incursions in the Ukraine, or protesting the war in Syria, the ISIS 
murders in Iraq?? The streets, had the US did something would have 
protesters-but! That's not the party way. Protestors are merely anti-U and not 

If I was an American I would be totally against any more wars that cost 
American soldier lives and drain the we th of the country, based on what you 
are saying above.....firstly for military reasons. You have spoken of the need 
to fight wars, but not actually said who against. Not in terms a military 
campaign can be planned around. I mean I'm not saying you need to decide an 
actual strategy

But there are generic questions that need to be answered by anyone who things a 
war should happen. Like...for you.....you want to send soldiers into harms way. 
What goal are hundreds or thousands of those young Americans laying down their 
lives for? The answer to that is not principle, what is the situation on the 
ground in the wake of war, and what are the reasons why that situation + the 
realignment of local power structures, is worth those lives and the cost? , 

What you said above, the Jesus/AI line: Firstly it doesn't seem like the US 
needs to fight these distant wars. Theres no problem on the American continent 
and the US has oceans either side. What is this survival threat, and what sort 
of calculations are you doing that you believe young soldiers should die by the 
hundred or thousand to secure? What is the payback? 

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