On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 8:45 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> >> people proposing a Super Turing Machines are much more vague.
> > I was not proposing any Super Turing machines. I was alluding that the
> simple algorithm consisting to run a machine and wait if it stops or not
is enough toi compute the Halting oracle

Wait? How long should I wait? If it's still going after a million years
should I give up and conclude it will never stop, how about a billion, it
it's still going after a hundred thousand million billion trillion years
how do I know it won't stop in the next 3 seconds?

>>> I don't not assume set theory, infinities, etc.
>> So you don't assume the real numbers exist?
> Indeed.


>>  If so then not everything that mathematics is capable of describing
>> exists, and the same is true of another language, English.
 > Computationalism implies the "arithmetical Platonia" is quite enough.
> You can put the "real numbers" in the machine's epistemology. You don't
> need ontological real numbers.

In nearly every post you say I'm confused, but this time I really am.  Do
you think real numbers exist or do you not?

> >>> you need to unstuck your mind in step 3
> >> First you need to fix the first 3 steps.
> > You have already agreed with step 0, 1, 2.

Have I? I haven't looked at it in years, if you put a gun to my head I
could no longer even tell you what steps 0, 1, or 2  were or if it was in
step 3 that I decided that the entire thing was worthless or if it was in
some other step, and nothing you have said more recently makes me think it
deserves a second look.

> >Your refutation of step 3 confused the first person view [blah blah]

Yeah yeah I've heard it all before a thousand times: you're the first human
being in the history of the world to realize that there is a difference
between the first person and the third person, and the distinction still
confuses the particular first person who is writing this sentence.

  John K Clark

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