On 28 Oct 2014, at 03:10, John Clark wrote:

On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 6:38 AM, LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So far the only real (non-sarcastic, non-insult-based) objection I've heard comes down to a semantic quibble to do with redefining our concept of an individual person.

The entire point of Bruno's "proof" and all of his bizarre thought experiments is to examine and get rid of that "semantic quibble", and yet from page 1 Bruno acts as if the concept of personal identity was already crystal clear even though in his thought experiments such things were stretched about as far as they could go. In such circumstances using person pronouns with abandon as Bruno does without giving them a second thought is just ridiculous.

>This is exactly the same redefinition that was brought up by Everett in 1957.

No it is not for 3 reasons:

1) Everett was trying to explain the strange observations of the Quantum world in a logically cohesive way and to show why Quantum Mechanics was able to make good prediction about future physical events. Everett said nothing about personal identity or consciousness because he didn't need to, and that is the HUGE advantage Many Worlds has over other Quantum interpretations and is the only reason I'm a fan of the MWI. In the other Quantum Interpretations consciousness soon enters the picture, that would be OK if they could explain consciousness but they can't. Everett can't explain consciousness either but he doesn't need to because consciousness has nothing to do with his theory.

2) Like Everett Bruno is also interested in prediction but he seems to think that good predictions are the key to personal identity, and that's just nuts. The sense of self depends on the past not the future.

3) With Everett the meaning of the personal pronoun "he" is always obvious, it is the only person that we can observe using the laws of physics that fits the description of Bruno Marchal, but in a world with matter duplicating machines there are 2 (or more) people who fit that description, and so the word "he" conveys zero information.

You are making the use of "he" ambiguous, by avoiding the precision I gave in term of memory in and outside the teleportation box. Onece you keep the 1p/3p distinction in mind there is no ambiguities at all. The notion of personality is not involved in the reasoning. Yes, I like to talk on this too, but it is another topic, and it has nothing to so with the result described in the sane04 paper.

> a physicist who believes the MWI to be correct will come to the same conclusions about indeterminacy that someone using Bruno's matter transmitter would

Obviously, but a person wouldn't need to believe in the MWI or even be a physicist to know that what is observed when a door is open a door is uncertain.


> both comp and Everett allow for the possibility that from the third person viewpoint the duplication could be observed

If you say so, but I'm not a bit interested in "comp" and except for a few member of this list I don't think anybody on the planet is either.

Comp is a short expression used for "computationalism". The precise version I am studying is logically weaker than most of those you can find in the literature. (Except for the behaviourist/ instrumentalist / positivist approach, which are usually abandonned today). So the consequences of that weaker version applies to all other versions, and it makes some of them epistemologically inconsistent (and indeed some conclude that consciousness is an illusion, those are the eliminativists, and seems to me just continuing the Aristotelian tradition of putting the mind under the rug).

Computationalism, contrary to what some strong atheists desire, eliminates the notion of primary matter, or physicalism. The physical reality has to be derived from a statistics on all computations. That is the result of the UDA, and I have never had any problem with this, with few exceptions, by people like you who repeat that they have find a flaw, but never published it, or even send it to me, except you, but as people can witness, the argument is nothing but playing with words. precisely, invoking an ambiguity, and avoiding the disambiguation.

BTW, we have agrred on the personal identity issue, actually, and in that model, the step 3 still follow, and you did aknowledge, but still criticizing the enterprise: the argument was of the type my two years old niece can do that, but then OK, let us move to step 4.

> And of course, making up silly versions of Bruno's acronyms

I didn't make a single one up, they were what Wikipedia or Google though they most likely meant.

Argument per authority. As Kim said, the step 3 is understood easily by young people.

For example, Wikipedia lists  27 possible means of "comp"

I told you that comp is a precise generalization of the term used by the others (awre of not of the admittedly startling consequence, even unswalloable by people having never heard about Everett and the conceptual problem of both matter and consciousness).

You have accepted the step 0 and 1 of the Universal Dovetailer Argument (the first part of sane04, one halve of my PhD). So by definition, you are computationalist. You accept comp.

Personally it is only my working hypothesis. I don't defend any ideas. I am a logician, and my expertise is in the consistency or inconsistency of set of beliefs or proposition.


and not one of them has anything to do with intelligence or consciousness or personal identity, and only one had anything to do with computers, " a class of Usenet groups devoted to computers and related technology".

 John K Clark

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