George wrote:

Thanks Bruno, Bruce, Brent, Liz, John for your responses.

1) Regarding convection currents in a gas column with an adiabatic temperature profile. There is no convection current even though gas near the floor is hotter than gas near the ceiling. The reason is that gas rising in an adiabatic column expands and cools exactly at the same rate as the adiabatic temperature lapse and therefore the gas is in equilibrium. All gradients ranging from isothermal to adiabatic cannot support convection. To get convection one needs a gradient steeper than the adiabatic gradient. This point is well understood by meteorologists. It should be made clearer in physics classes.

I think there is a difference between having a column of gas at thermal equilibrium absent an external field (gravitational or other) and the stable situation in a gravitational field. I think the stable situation in the field is such that the temperature is uniform throughout (so there is no convection as there could be in a transitional state when some filed is turned on). The thing to remember is that the pressure of the gas varies with height -- lower levels are at a higher pressure to support the mass of gas above. Pressure can be increased either by raising the temperature or by raising the density. I think the stable situation for the column of gas in a gravity field is for a constant temperature but a density gradient.

2) Regarding Liz’s comment regarding the Second Law and gravity. Yes, the Second Law is linked to gravity (and to other forces as well). See the paper by Erik Verlinde “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton” at The violation that I am discussing is at the intersection of gravity and QM.

Verlinde's ideas about 'entropic gravity' caused a short-lived stir in some circles, but the idea didn't really lead anywhere and is now somewhat out of favour.

3) Regarding why Loschmidt was wrong. Brent is the one who got closest to the answer. Loschmidt ignored the fact that the energy of the molecules is correlated with their vertical direction of movement. For example, those molecules which are at the top of their trajectories (zero vertical kinetic energy) must always experience their next collision at a lower elevation. In general the smaller the kinetic energy of a molecule, the more likely it is to experience its next collision at a lower elevation. Gravity operates as an energy separator shifting upward molecules with higher total energy. This effect exactly counterbalances the effect Loschmidt was relying on that (i.e., molecules get cooler as they rise against gravity). The gas column remains isothermal.

This analysis seems a little one-dimensional to me. Although the potential is in one dimension, at any particular height in the column collisions in the transverse directions are going to cause rapid thermalization at that level. In other words, the increase in vertical momentum for a falling molecule is rapidly distributed over the transverse directions as well. In the transitional phase, molecules are going to sink on average because the pressure must be higher at lower levels. The steady state is, as I have claimed, a density gradient at a uniform temperature throughout.


A more formal approach is to utilize molecular distributions. For a Maxwell gas subjected to an energy gradient the energy distribution is

If the molecules are subjected to a potential energy , a Boltzmann factor needs to be added and the above equation becomes

The red curve shows the distribution with V = 0 (ground) and the blue curve with V>0. Notice the lowering in the density.

The renormalized equation is given by

(notice that renormalization eliminated the V term because it is expressed in an exponent and can be seen as a constant factor )

The resulting curve at elevation > ground is identical to the original


This shows that Loschmidt was wrong. A column of gas following Maxwell’s distribution cannot spontaneously develop a temperature gradient. It remains isothermal.


George Levy

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