On Thursday, December 4, 2014 12:01:56 PM UTC, Alberto G.Corona wrote:
> Goto -3
> Read  my previous responses. That will entertain you in a Homersimpsonian 
> loop and we would be liberated for a time to do more interesting things
> El 04/12/2014 01:32, "'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List" <
> everyth...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>> escribió:
>>   ------------------------------
>>  *From:* Alberto G. Corona <agoc...@gmail.com <javascript:>>
>> Neither I praise Muslims nor I kill catholics
>> >.Please, Chris, this is a serious group. The gay discussion group is in 
>> your screen, to the left, under the image of Freddy Mercury.
>> Aberto -- If you are such a "serious" -- in addition to being such  a 
>> pious -- person, then why did  you introduce the imagery of buggery into 
>> the thread? Twas not I who inserted this kind of language into this thread. 
>> Seems to me, instead that you are rather fascinated by it Alberto; 
>> perhaps instead of suggesting others go get buggered you should give in to 
>> your own secretly held repressed desires... loosen up and enjoy 
>> yourself.... God will forgive you.
>> Chris
>> 2014-12-04 0:39 GMT+01:00 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <
>> everyth...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>>:
>>   ------------------------------
>>  *From:* Alberto G. Corona <agoc...@gmail.com <javascript:>>
>> >> No interest is this subject Chris. Ask elsewhere for such recreative 
>> activties. John maybe? I don`t know. 
>> Then why did you descend into using the imagery of buggery? Quoting you: "
>> beeing *assholed *by a bunch of atheist communists, you may feel yoursef 
>> relaxed."
>> Being "assholed" is quite clearly, another way of saying getting 
>> buggered. So for you to now state you have no interest, in the subject, is 
>> either a bald faced lie or perhaps you are suffering from a selective 
>> memory hole and can't recall what you just said just moments before.
>> Chris
>> 2014-12-04 0:14 GMT+01:00 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <
>> everyth...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>>:
>>   ------------------------------
>>  *From:* Alberto G. Corona <agoc...@gmail.com <javascript:>>
>> *To:* everything-list <everyth...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>> 
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, December 3, 2014 2:59 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: Edge: Myth of A.I.
>> As Bruno would say, You are full of bad computations. You can not live 
>> long with such attitude. 
>> I recommend you to buy a  Gameboy, a Joystick and play the kill the Pope 
>> videogame. After killing a few  thounsands catholics, give praise to 
>> Muslims, and leaving beeing assholed by a bunch of atheist communists, you 
>> may feel yoursef relaxed. Do that before entering here. Your post will be 
>> much more balanced and you may say something interesting from time to time.
>> For being such a pious neo-Jesuit, you demonstrate an alarming propensity 
>> to use vulgar anal-centric  language. I thought good Catholics (as I assume 
>> you view yourself as being) were no longer so deeply into the practice of 
>> buggery -- and the colorful usage of the terminology of buggery. I had 
>> thought that the Catholic church had finally reformed itself on this 
>> practice; perhaps you are just old school in this.
>> 2014-12-03 18:41 GMT+01:00 John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com <javascript:>>:
>> On Wed, Dec 3, 2014  Alberto G. Corona <agoc...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
>> wrote:
>> > Why you atheist end all discussion with God here, God there etc?
>> The world is infested with religious nincompoops who have far more power 
>> to shape our culture than I do, so I will stop talking about the imbecilic 
>> God theory when they do.
>> > Ok, it is the child in you that blame his Father for not going back to 
>> home to play with him. 
>> Speaking of the influence your parents had on your adult life, haven't 
>> you ever wondered why religion and geography are so strongly linked, more 
>> specifically haven't you ever wondered why you're a Christian and not a 
>> Muslim or a Hindu ?  It's not because of some deep philosophical reason, 
>> it's because your mommy and daddy were Christian and for no other reason.
>> > Come to Him, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and He will give you 
>> rest. "Take His yoke upon you and learn from Him, for He is gentle and 
>> humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For his yoke is 
>> easy and His burden is light.  Matthew 11:29
>> For nearly any statement contained in that bronze age book of 
>> superstitions and fairy tales that we call the Bible you can find something 
>> just a few pages later that expresses the exact opposite idea.  Our burden 
>> is light?  
>> "Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you; And you will eat the 
>> plants of the field; By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat 
>> until you return to the ground from which you were made. For you were made 
>> from dust, and to dust you will return." Genesis 3:19
>> Or how's this for contradictions?
No contradiction.....

>> "eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot" Exodus 21:24
This is Torah, the most holy book of the Jewish people. 

>> "do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, 
>> turn to them the other cheek also."  Matthew 5:39
...and that's obviously The New Testament, the most holy book of 

The two books are not Vol 1 and Vol 2 of something,. Judaism doesn't not 
recognize the New Testament ,Jesus or Chistianity. 

Christianity recognize the historical period when the Jewish People were 
God's Chosen, by the covenant Moses received from God on Mount Sinai. But 
it is a founding article of Faith in Christianity the Covenant is passed 
from the Jewish People to Christianity. 

That's fundamentally  the basis of Christianity. 

Which is why the Jewish people struggle with non-mendacious interpretations 
of Christianity. Fair enough. It's totally unprecedented before or since 
for one religion to found over the top of another while still vibrant;  its 

Jesus is a man; The son of God ressurection and  holy ghost. In Jewish Law 
that's a situation forbidden to worship; it's idolatry. IN the day of the 
Third Temple, idolatry in a Jewish district get's your head under the axe. 

So all that said, just to substantiate the point , that it wasn't a 
contradiction, but two different worldviews of diferent religions. 

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