On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 4:43 PM, Bruce Kellett <bhkell...@optusnet.com.au>

>>     >>> I wouldn't fear death even then.
>> >> Then you're either the bravest man who ever lived or you're full of
>> bullshit. I think it's far more likely that you're full of bullshit.
> > A lot of people have faced firing squads with calm dignity.

Some may have been dignified but I am quite certain in every single case
their heart rate was elevated over what it would have been had they not
been facing a firing squad. And no doubt you have played the scene over in
your mind but do you really think your musings about what it would be like
to face a firing squad have the slightest relation to the reality of
actually facing a  firing squad? You may be certain how you'd react in a
life or death situation, but as I've said being certain and being correct
are not the same thing; I don't think we have good simulation software in
our brain for that sort of thing and thus nobody can know how they'd behave
in such a extreme situation until that it actually happened.

> I don't think I am particularly brave,

You know something, I don't either.

> but the thought of death itself -- being dead, that is -- does not
> frighten me in the least.


As I said, if you have dependants you would worry about the effect on them.
> But that does not mean that you would fear for yourself.

Well I guess you're just a selfless hero then.

  John K Clark

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