I recently became aware of a book written by William Stanley Jevons that
may strike a responsive cord with some members of this list, here are some

"Are we wise in allowing the commerce of this country to rise beyond the
point at which we can long maintain it?”  We are growing rich and numerous
upon a source of wealth of which the fertility does not yet apparently
decrease with our demands upon it. [...] But long-continued progress in
such a manner is altogether impossible — it must outstrip all physical
conditions and bounds; and the longer it continues, the more severely must
the ultimate check be felt. I do not hesitate to say, therefore, that the
rapid growth of our great towns, gratifying as it is in the present, is a
matter of very serious concern as regards the future."

Suppose our progress to be checked within half a century, yet by that time
our consumption will probably be three or four times what it now is; there
is nothing impossible or improbable in this; it is a moderate supposition,
considering that our consumption has increased eight-fold in the last sixty
years. But how shortened and darkened will the prospects of the country
appear, with mines already deep, fuel dear, and yet a high rate of
consumption to keep up if we are not to retrograde.”

The book was written in 1865 and is titled " The Coal Question; An Inquiry
Concerning the Progress of the Nation, and the Probable Exhaustion of Our
Coal Mines"

  John K Clark

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