On 03 Jan 2015, at 09:28, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List wrote:

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com [mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf Of Bruno Marchal
Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2015 3:36 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Democracy

On 31 Dec 2014, at 20:12, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List wrote:

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com [mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf Of Bruno Marchal
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2014 5:34 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Democracy

On 30 Dec 2014, at 01:38, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List wrote:

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Alberto G. Corona <agocor...@gmail.com>
To: everything-list <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: Democracy

>>The Soviet union can be formally considered a "democracy". There is nothing external or formal that may distinguish a democracy from any other regime. Since every modern state has the same elements. All of them use the momenclature of the age. The word democracy is the most overused world in this century togeter with "scientific".

No word comes close to matching the overuse of the word "god" however.

Yes,  ... and no.

For the greeks "God" was just a pointer to the truth we are searching, through theories and observation. It led to math and physics, + inquiry about which one is more fundamental, and what might still be beyond math and physics. That use of God remains in some language expression, like when we say "only God knows", which means "I don't know".

But that is how the word was used in the Hellenistic period; I was referring to modern usage that has associated it with a monotheistic value system.

I think monotheism is only the "personal" view of the monism of the parmenides one. I think that the theology of the christians and jews reflect the monism of those who believe in an unifying truth. The fairy tales is a pedagogical popularization, who get wrong when the religion is (too much) mixed with politics.

>>Which comes from the ONE of the greeks, mixed with the Jewish legend. Well, if you forget the superstition, it has some important relation. Monotheism is a reflexion of parmenides or Plotinus monism.

Perhaps you are referring to the Jewish mystic concept of the sephiroth kether (kether means crown in Hebrew) it is that which is manifest yet cannot be named; the first divine emanation out of pure abstract space… that is without form or definition yet which fills and animates all things…. The divine spark so to speak.

I think so.

A few examples “a God fearing” man (or woman) is upstanding, moral and considered (by other god-fearers at least) to be superior to those who do not fear god;

But this "fearing of God" is a mystery to me. God should be good. Only the devil should be feared. (between us). Obviously that are open problem in machine theology.

>>With some definition, fearing God is a nonsense.

I find those definitions of God far more palatable than I do the Manichean dystopic vision, of a universe divided between the opposing forces of good and evil.

In the theology of the machine, the devil is well played by the notion of false. In a sense, like in Plotinus, it simply does not exist, but its influence is incarnated in the []f, and [][]f, or even []<>t, which implies logically f, at the star level (in G*), which we cannot see, but can intuit. That makes the frontier between good and bad into a fractal similar to the Mandelbrot set. But it relates also the "bad" to the harm. The opposing force is nature manicheism, needed to make us believe that eating is good and being eaten is bad, which is locally useful to live and develop.

>>We should fear the devil, but not God.

Or as some spiritual traditions maintain the devil is merely a manifestation of our own ignorance and impoverished state of being cutoff form our spiritual being.

That follows from what I say aboven but not withot some technical difficulties. Plotinus get similar difficulties. Pain and suffering remains quite complex to analyse. there are still many difficulties.

The devil is a paper tiger… not to say that evil does not exist, but evil is ultimately a manifestation of profound spiritual ignorance – at least amongst some spiritual traditions. So perhaps if I could re-phrase the phrase above to say that we should be mindful of our ignorance, for inner ignorance is what cuts us off from the infinite eternal divine infusion of being.

I will think about this. I am not entirely sure. It is more the ignorance of our ignorance which is evil, but that might correspond to what you say, because it is the ignorance of ignorance which cut of frm the "divine source". Our ignorance itself, when living on the terrestrial plane, is our knowledge of God/Truth. To see God is a sort of way to see the abyssal and intrinsic ignorance when we are living in a (finite) body. That ignorance is a friend, and the evil exploit the ignorance of that ignorance. Hope I make sense.

>>But of course this aspect of the thing is not yet retrieved from arithmetic. I hipe it will, but I am not 100% sure. Open problem. How much can e say that god is good, like Plato thought? We don't know yet.

Perhaps God evolved..

Not sure. Keep in mind that I have machine's god in mind, which is not distinguishable by us (the finite machine) with the arithmetical truth/ reality.

perhaps the version of reality we exist in evolved from earlier renditions and over infinite recursion into previous renditions in this hypothesized behind the scenes reality configuration space the holistic principle gradually evolved. Why not a Darwinian type process perfecting God itself so that our God is the result of a long line of preceding Godheads.

God is out of time, simple, and the roots of everything. It is the truth we search, but can never assert we know. We are the evolving gods. If God itself evolves, we will need another invariant God to make sense of this, I think.

Everything I see both outside myself and when I look within is an evolving maelstrom of barely ordered chaos, balancing on that creative knife edge between static order and total incoherent chaos. The galaxies, the stars in them, the sponge-like riverine mega structures of dark matter upon which galaxies ride. The quantum leaps of electrons between electron shells but never between. Everything seems a swirl of evolving forms. And so it is within our own selves; we are far from static beings (even the dullest amongst us)

Everything ... physical. But that is an illusory aspect, when considered from the absolute. I think you might be talking of the third Plotinian God: the soul or inner God. Then what you make sense. but it is not the outer god (the ONE), nor the second God (the Noùs, or worlds of ideas, computations, arithmetical relations, ...).

whilst by comparison describing a person as being godless is usually a form of ad hominem insult. A Godless person is assumed to be (by the God-fearing sheeple) of lower moral caliber and someone who cannot be trusted.


>>I can make sense. No one is Godless. Godless people confuse God and some hero of fairy tale.

God is used possessively by most people who use the word to describe some special supernatural entity that they know about and will be good to them but whom is going to damn everyone else (all those who does not believe as they do) to eternal damnation and torture… sadistically punishing them in often shockingly rendered and detailed accounts of these divine torture chambers (sub-contracted out to the devil… or as they say Mr. D)

OK, we are back here to the concept in their most misused form. I saw a movie (on youtube) made for young christians, on hell, by south Corean catholics, which looks exactly like very hard porn!

God is a word that may have meant something to the people of Hellenistic Mediterranean basin, but the word symbol has become highly loaded with value judgment during the era of the prevalence of the three Abrahamic cults of monotheism (and perhaps earlier even with Persian Zoroastrianism the mother monotheist religion that gave birth to the later usurper Abrahamic faiths that violently supplanted it for the most part.)

It is the monism (which I take as a progress). Then it abuses by people wanting to manipulate others. But not everything is negative, and the jewish extracted the idea of social laws from there, without mixing it with a feeling of universal enforcement.

>>Like the star were Gods, but we know better, and adapt the vocabulary. If not we sustain the dogma in the field, and, as we can see in my case, we stop the progress.

It is hard to change the common usage of a word as deeply embedded in a given matrix of meaning as the word God (with a capital ‘G’) has become in the three Abrahamic monotheistic cultures. Wouldn’t it be better to invent a new word – unsaddled by all that Abrahamic baggage – to describe that which ancient Greek philosophers were describing when they used this word?

It does not work, and gave the feeling that the name is important. "God" is simpler, and is already the best term in comparative theology. But call it the ONE, if you prefer. But then people will tought that you defend only the Neoplatonists.

I am probably less annoyed than you about the current monotheism, which I take as a progress, despite the abuse and dead alleys. The problem is that after a platonic staring impetus, they came back to Aristotle metaphysics. That is the problem, for a theologian scientist.

Because of the endless useless and most often moronic arguments the word causes amongst people who use it.

OK. But that is the reason to use the word. If you change, you will miss those reactions, and people will not learn.

It has become loaded with Judeo-Christian-Islamic overtones that have polluted its meaning and poisoned its usage to be a word of hatred, death, punishment, damnation and all manner of intensely negative emotions and experiences.

All words leads to that, when they point on the notion. It is part of the process. Changing a word will add cinfusion only, and deprive the believer to evolve. It will give rise to another pseudo-religion. Imo.

>>They use it before, and the main attribute of God is that it has no name,

Sounds a lot like the descriptions given for kether (the crown or godhead perhaps) it is formless potential, nameless and without definable attributes


so it is good to use the substantive instead. Creating a new name automatically will make us believe that the name is important, and so would be gravely misleading. It would make more complex the comparison. During a period, I use "One" in the place of "God". This led people to believe that I was advertising for Plotinus in a misleading way. God is the very general term. Just look at "God" in the wikis, you will see that the same term "god" is used in quite different meaning, which is useful when doing science, as we must be neutral since the start. I understand your hesitance to use an inferior word that describes one facet of what the word God describes – such a say the word “One”, but God is not neutral for by far most people who use it and therein is the rub.

>>When I presented my thesis in France, I suppress all "religious" name, but the atheists were still saying the same bs on it.

Dogmatists will be dogmatic whatever the colors they may be wearing.

Yes, that's my point. And that is why I have came back with the most usual terms in the domain. Then only the dogmatic are shocked. The others can appreciate (and then be shocked by the technical aspects of it, like the many worlds, the loss of personal identity, the idealist or immaterialist aspects, ...)

Let us just keep the scientific attitude, and let us try to go beyond the vocabulary issue. The monotheistic theologians are, in general, less wrong than the atheists on even the God of the machine. (That is what makes some strong-atheists nervous, but it is just because they cannot say "I was wrong").

I agree with that… with a scientific attitude towards theology; after all – at least IMO -- exploring the mind of God is the most interesting pursuit in the universe…

yes, even outside the universe :)

if by God, we understand a deep mystic re-binding thread of some unfathomable un-nameable essential something (or other).

Religion (truth sharing)  is the only goal.
Science (modesty sharing) is the only tool.





Then, when the science "theology" has been recuperated by politics, and when religion get institutionalized, the term God has become the name of some hero in some fairy tale, and the science behind has been put under the rug, and is still taboo today (which I can understand for the Church's employee, but not for the atheists, which should on the contrary be open to the coming back to reason in that field. Eventually I conclude that atheism is *really* the religious mirror of christianity. They have the same notion of God (even if it is used only to be denied) and they have the same notion of primary matter (modulo some details).

So God is both not enough used (it means the unknown fundamental reality, simply) and overused (idolatry, blasphems, argument by terror (like with hell), etc.).



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