On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 10:23 PM, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote

 I thought Wikipedia was consistently wrong about everything and only used
>> by shallow people like me.
> >I go to Wikipedia quite a bit myself but

Oh yes, I knew there would be a "but".

> when big money depends on some numbers looking good

Or when Wikipedia is not in sync with your scientific ignorance and says
something that you wish were not true. Apparently you believe that if you
wish hard enough that something is not true it isn't.

 > Wikipedia is open to corruption

But only when Wikipedia says something that you wish were not true. We
shouldn't trust Wikipedia but we should trust Chris de Morsella even when
he has absolutely nothing to back up his claims.

> >You were wrong in trying to maintain that because the efficiency of a
> solar cell is around 20% then the 80% of incident solar energy that the
> cell was not able to capture must therefore be counted as ENERGY INVESTED.

*OF COURSE IT'S WRONG YOU BRAINLESS TWIT*, only a fool would count light
that you didn't pay for as energy invested, but you are a fool and so you
do count the self-energy of the kerogen,  energy that you didn't pay for,
as energy invested when figuring out the EROI to convert kerogen to oil.
So  why the inconsistency, why not use the same imbecilic method for solar
cells that you use for kerogen? Could it possibly be because you like solar
cells but don't like kerogen? Nah, I'm sure that was just a coincidence.

> The process of producing oil (+gas) from shale rock containing kerogen
> requires huge energy inputs in order to cook all of that rock!

Yes and a large part of that energy comes from the chemical energy of the
kerogen itself that is released as heat. Of course that means that the
chemical energy in a pound of kerogen is greater than the chemical energy
in the crude oil that the pound of kerogen produced, and a pound of crude
oil has more chemical energy than the refined  gasoline that came from that
pound of crude oil, but given that  the law of conservation of energy is
what it is a educated person, a smart person, and a honest person wouldn't
expect anything else.

> > EROI is ONLY measuring the ratio of the *measurable energy* inputs
> required to produce the energy yield

Like the *measurable* amount of solar energy falling on a solar cell.

> >to the *energy value* contained in the resultant yielded product.
If that is the correct way to calculate EROI, and assuming you think the
first law of thermodynamics is valid please explain how the  EROI of
ANYTHING is EVER greater than 1. Perhaps I shouldn't have made that
assumption, do you believe the law of conservation of energy is wrong,
Wikipedia says it's correct but you say they don't know anything.

> >so your yadda yadda about all processes being less than
> thermodynamically perfect is mere useless noise
Yes, just like Wikipedia physics is all yadda yadda because when big money
depends on some numbers looking good the first and second laws of
thermodynamics are open to corruption. But we can take solace in the fact
that Chris de Morsella is absolutely incorruptible.

> That would really mess up with your plans for eternal preservation.
> Imagine that your Alzheimer riddled brain preserved forever…. An amusing
> thought for me… so thanks for that little word trigger John.

Hmm, "An amusing thought for me", you really are a charming fellow Chris.
You've won the quadruple crown, you are sadistic, you are a scientific
illiterate, you are dumb as dog shit, and you are a coward. Other than that
you're a fine fellow, but I think I've had about enough of you for now,

 John K Clark

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