[] On Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2015 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: Natural gas: The fracking fallacy


On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 9:46 PM, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List 
<> wrote:


> And the thought still cracks me up with laughter… imagine how wrong your 
> carefully laid plans could go…. You set up this one way ticket to eternity… 
> then, unfortunately you do not die, but instead grow into a vegetative 
> Alzheimer riddled sponge of your former pompous loud mouthed self…. And only 
> then after your brain has fully and completely rotted into a plaque ridden 
> mush does nature finally do the kindness of killing you off – to preserve 
> your Alzheimer destroyed brain for all time. It actually cracks me up dude… 
> nothing personal, I frankly don’t give a rats ass what happens to your 
> precious brain, just find the thought of your so carefully laid plans going 
> so totally haywire to be a source of some laughter for me


You sir are a psychopath.

You can dish it out, but you can’t take it? How pathetic, petulant & childish. 

As well as being a vituperative loudmouth A-hole Mr. Clark 

FYI: I also don’t give a rat’s ass what you think I am. 

You have cheese for brains sir and you have shown this, in living color, by 
making repeated asinine assertions about the meaning of EROI, which you quite 
obviously do not understand in the slightest. I have patiently tried to educate 
you, but you prefer the act of being a loud mouth moron… 

Mr. Clark, the caped defender of kerogen…  riding in, to do battle like some 
later day Don Quixote. With you as a champion the kerogen sector is in good 
hands and we can all rest assured that it will keep on producing the big 
nothing at all that it has always produced and that it will continue to be a 
voracious money pit for those who try. $10 billion lost by the DOE; $5 billion 
burned away by Exxon/Mobile.

John, if I have offended you… truth be told, I don’t much care; so by all means 
A-hole, please remain offended, mortified and self-absorbed with outrage. You 
brought this on yourself by being arrogant, rude, obnoxious and worst of all 
stupid. Really, really stupid in fact; surprisingly stupid. 

That you continue to so completely miss the meaning of EROI and insist it 
measures something it does not – at first one can put this down to ignorance, 
but by the third or fourth time John, it just becomes stupid. Truly you 
disappoint me, I mean I already knew you were an abrasive asshole John, but I 
thought at least you had some intelligence. Your EROI kerogen performance has 
convinced me otherwise, I am sad to say.

Suit up, super hero…  John K Clark, the Defender of Kerogen… put your tar 
colored cape on and ride off into the sunset, keeping the world safe for the 
(in reality) non-existent kerogen shale sector. 



  John K Clark


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