On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 4:14 AM, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> I share that sentiment; western mass media seems to only care about loss
> when it is their loss.
> And, in cases, such as this recent act of terrorism, the reflexive Neocon
> clash of civilizations call goes out to solve the problem with yet more
> boots on the ground; invading yet more lands; haven’t we learned after
> bombing Iraq for some twenty five years (if you begin the count from the
> war’s first movement in the early nineties… and for thirty if you count the
> Iran-Iraq war, in which the US secretly armed and backed Saddam Hussein’s
> regime) that the muscular military option has only produced a de facto
> state of permanent war with no solution!  Clearly the dismembered former
> nation state of Iraq is not better off now than it was before they got a
> massive dose of Operation Iraqi Freedom, but also the US, especially
> amongst industrialized countries has become changed for the worse; the loss
> of individual rights – even the age old right (from medieval times) of
> habeas corpus is under attack in this freedom loving country.
> But hey it has been good for the MIC profit center –the US has not bombed
> Iraq into a magically becoming a “freedom loving western style democracy”,
> but a lot of money has been made by a very few people along the decadal
> road to failure. Permanent war is good for some business’ bottom lines; big
> fortunes have been made… at massive cost to the US economy and crumbling
> infrastructure, to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the American CFUs as well. CFU is
> an acronym George Bush senior used to use describing your average Joe; it
> stands for Cannon Fodder Units.
> The world does not need another large scale war in the middle east; there
> are powerful forces that want that war however. Now talking – once again as
> they always do in times like these -- in Manichean terms about a clash of
> civilizations, and lining up support for the next major war. War is
> business; and these people mean business.
> -Chris

Turkish minister Davutoglu said something equivalent to: "It's not
acceptable to speak of 'Islamic terror', as we didn't label the attack in
Norway, or Neo-Nazi Attacks in Germany to be 'Christian Terror'. All forms
of extremism, including racism, are dangerous. No matter their origin.
Let's refer to the specific group or individuals."

Yes, he is invested with Turkish interests at border in Syria.

But there is a point in valuing precision when we speak of this and take
"no matter their origin" to not be literal reading of "all people are equal
etc." but rather "Why should we perpetuate the way these people marketed
themselves? Are we being payed to run their PR campaign?" PGC

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