On Fri, Jan 30, 2015  'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> You are aware of just how many corporations have been driven into
> bankruptcy by incompetent arrogant executive management?

That is in complete agreement with Sturgeon's Law: Ninety percent of
everything is crap.

> Management that WAS NOT removed in those cases

If things have gotten so bad that  the corporation must file for bankruptcy
then it really doesn't matter very much who's in management because the
courts are making the important decisions. In 1997 Apple was loosing money
so fast it could only operate for another 90 days and then it would have no
choice but to file for bankruptcy, but instead management WAS removed and
Steve Jobs stepped in  as CEO. Today Apple is the most valuable company in
the world.

> and modern history is littered with the carcasses of failed corporations,
> most driven under by competitors, but many destroyed by incompetent and
> even criminal executive leadership.

That's true and that's why competence and moral executive leadership are
attributes that have a positive survival value for corporations in business
culture, unfortunately that is not true for government in political
culture. Compared to what Stalin and Hitler and Mao Zedong did John
D Rockefeller on his worst day was no more than naughty.

>  the prevailing present practice in the global oligopoly where too big to
> fail is the principle guarantor of survival.

Unfortunately sometimes that can happen but usually it does not.  Look at
the corporate giants of 35 years ago; A&P was by far the largest retailer
on planet earth, today I think they still exist someplace but I wouldn't
swear to it. Where is Eastern Airlines or Pan American or Control Data or
RCA or Studebaker or Packard or Woolworth or Polaroid? It sounds ridiculous
now, but just a few years ago many said that IBM should be prevented from
entering the PC market because it would completely dominate it, they said
the same thing about ATT. Then they said Microsoft should be broken up
because it was about to take over the world. Many of the giants of today
like Apple,  Amgen, Google, Oracle, Wal-Mart, Amazon, Intel,  Dell, and
Cisco were tiny or non existent 35 years ago.

  John K Clark

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