meekerdb wrote:
On 3/28/2015 12:33 AM, Bruce Kellett wrote:
meekerdb wrote:

Another possibility is that all those neurons that /*didn't*/ fire in the calculation were just as necessary to the experience as the one's that did. That seems quite plausible to me.

I find the notion quite bizarre. It is the actual sequence of actual brain states that is important. If some neuron didn't fire, then they did not contribute to /that/ conscious moment, no matter that they might be crucial to other, /different/, moments of consciousness.

That seems bizarre to me. Are you saying that when I look at a black and white picture only the photoreceptors that fire contribute to my experience and the ones that didn't fire are irrelevant? Only the "1"s matter and not the "0"s? The state of the brain (assuming thought is neural action) depends on all the neurons; not just the ones firing at a given time.

I see your point, but don't think it really makes a difference. Certainly, the pattern of the brain state, which includes neurons that didn't fire, is part of the description of the state. But if I replace the neurons that didn't fire with a label saying 'there once was a neuron here!', the pattern is the same, and you could argue that the film re-animating the sequence of brain states would reproduce the conscious state quite adequately even without those neurons being alive, as long as the place is kept.

But I was actually think more widely of the fact that many brain functions are largely localized. When I move my leg, the motor cortex lights up, but if I am in the dark, or if I am blind, the visual cortex is not generally involved. Consciousness is not lost if a few random neurons die off, or are lost to injury and/or illness. People can lose very large parts of their brains and still remain conscious, and for quite a number of smaller brain injuries, the subjects do not necessarily lose much functionality. So it is not the case that the whole brain is involved in producing consciousness and this observation seems to me to somewhat blunt the MGA.


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