On 4/15/2015 12:03 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 15 Apr 2015, at 01:58, Bruce Kellett wrote:

Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 14 Apr 2015, at 03:26, Bruce Kellett wrote:

It's stubborn, even if an illusion, eh? If you were duplicated, would you be prepared to kill your duplicate? Who would you kill?
It can be shown that, indeed, "killing" someone with comp is equivalent with an amnesia. Dying is forgetting or refreshing memories. If you decide to kill a copy, you have to cautiously agree (with yourself) on the procedure (and who will be killed) before the duplication. After the duplication, it is preferable to treat the copy as a new person, for all practical and ethical purposes.

I think there are even stronger reasons for treating copies as new persons. In practical terms, if it came to ethical and legal matters, the law is currently no able to recognize the existence of two separate bodies as the same person. And physically, I think the divergence necessitated by different physical bodies in different spatial locations is going to lead to significant divergence sufficiently rapidly for the concept of 'the same person' to cease to be applicable after an extremely short time. The effects of simple thermal noise would be sufficient for the 'persons' to decohere within milliseconds.

No problem with this.

I think that the discussion between Stathis and Quentin relies on a confusion between the 3-1 views and the 1-views. We cannot duplicate the 1-views (= the 1-1-views = the 1-1-1-views): we feel always unique. But in the 3-1 view we can ascribe the same consciousness to (identical) exemplars, and this can play a rĂ´le in the measure problem, although this needs some later differentiation and the rule Y = II. In practice, "thermal noise" will indeed "decohere" the consciousness very quickly. I use quote as we are not in the quantum setting here, but it is (here) the same thing.

But the question of the number of person is a different discussion. If you agree that the W-guy, who stays in W and marries a girl in W, is the same person as the guy in M, who marries a woman in M, are the same person ... as the H-guy, the, I claim, we are already all the same person, despite different lives and consciousness.

But then you're just mucking up the meaning of "the same person", giving it a special metaphorical poetic meaning, unrelated to common usage.


Here there is a matter of almost conventional decision, to relate or not individuality to personal identity. With comp and AUDA, we can say we are all the "universal baby" describes by the 8 arithmetical hypostases, so we are the same person, put in (quite) different context (the genes, the culture, ...). We are all the same amoeba, in that case. If Aliens exist, we are them too.

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